ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

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"I uhm, I should go" Dean said as he pulled away from the hug, Darryl responded " mk, bye thanks for earlier I really had fun", Darryl gave Dean a sweet,warm smile which made Dean's heart flutter.

" No problem mk bye Darryl", Dean said as he got in his car, backed up and drove off. Zak's windshield is tinted, meaning Darryl can't see inside.

The driver side door opened, surprising Darryl, Zak came out with an annoyed look, which confused Darryl, " why the fuck were you with Dean?" Zak spat out in anger.

Darryl had a look of confusion on his face, he was just speak less. Darryl thought " is he mad?, this ragamuffin is going too far. He was busy with Tiffany so why does he care, I can make new friends".

Zak spat out " get in the car", Darryl raised an eye brow " what if I don't want to?" He sassed, Zak gritted his teeth " I wasn't asking".

Darryl rolled his eyes as he sharply exhaled, he got in the driver's side seat, while Zak got in the drivers seat. " You could had asked nicely you ragamuffin" Darryl said sassily.

Zak looked at him then back at the road, he was clearly mad. Darryl noted, Darryl was contemplating on pissing him off even more or to ask him what's wrong with him being with Dean.

Darryl's phone dinged, he took it out, unlocked it and read to who it was from. It was from his mom the message was " so you having dinner at home honey? I'm at the store currently what do you want?" Darryl smiled at the message, but Zak got even more irritated.

Darryl typed his response, " I think I'll have dinner at Zak's. And oh mom, can you buy me some pringles the green ones, thanks mom." He sent

"Who is that?", Zak asked irritated.

Darryl looked at him, rolled his eyes, and replied " not your business " then grinned, " It's Dean isn't it?" Zak added.

Darryl giggled " why are you acting like that? you muffin head, it'was just my mom". That made Zak calm down a bit, " ok good to know", that made Darryl even more confused " why?".

Zak responded " nothing". Darryl sharply exhaled, knowing Zak's isn't answering his questions, at this point they have arrive at Zak's house, they got out the car and got in the house.

"We're gonna watch a movie, get some snacks " Zak said, Darryl obeyed and went to the kitchen with Zak, they both got some snacks it was mostly chips and candy.

They both went up the stairs, in to Zak's room. Zak opened up Disney+ on the tv infront of his bed and played Eternals. Darryl and Zak are on Zak's bed ata moment, they're eating snacks while watching the movie, no conversations, no interactions just slience, except for the sound coming from the TV up front.

Darryl gathered up the caurage to speak up, " why are you mad, muffin?" He tried to be kind. Zak exhaled and looked at him " I don't know really, I just got pissed off seeing you with Dean".

Darryl held in a laugh, raised an eyebrow " you don't know? but you just said the answer, your jealous huh?", Darryl gave Zak a teasing look, Zak faked luaghed and defended " who me? Jealous? No way, I never get jealous ".

Darryl just looked at him with an amused look, Zak exhaled " its true, I never get jealous. Until now" Darryl's heart melted, " aweee, I won't replace you as my bestfriend Zak, I may have more than one bestfriends but your the one, thee only, my number 1 bestfriend, if that made sense, but in short your my number 1 bestfriend and nothings changing that".

Zak felt relived, but at the same time sad but why is that?

"Now come here, I'll give you a hug" Darryl offered, Zak nodded and hugged Darryl. It was nice wholesome, but the other feels butterfly fluttering in his stomach, Zak felt gittery, jumpy, tingly specifically on his heart.

Just Best Friends? - SKEPHALO,DNF Highschool Au Where stories live. Discover now