Part 3

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It was a few days after the party and you were at the Luthor mansion again.

You were arguing with Lex about a topic you couldn't agree on. You were right and you knew it, but Lex kept insisting that he was right.

You were very smart and knew that it's pointless to argue with Lex, but you still entertained the idea.

Lex was older and in college, yet you were definitely smarter than him, at least in this topic.

"Come on dude, I'm right and you know it," you exclaim. "No, you're not," Lex retorts. "I'm going to explain this to you one more time, Lex, and then I'm done,"

Lena comes downstairs where they are and hears you explaining your point to her brother. "No, that's not right," Lex defends.

"It's actually correct." Lena butts in taking your side as she continues doing what she was there for. Lena was quite surprised at the topic of your conversation and your explanation of it as she didn't know you were actually super smart. But she didn't show her surprise.

Lena always assumed that you just talked about video games, sports, sex and other dumb things.

"You're only saying that because you like her," Lex retorts towards Lena. Lena was about to get real defensive at Lex's accusations, but you spoke first. "Just because you're denying it doesn't mean it's false Lex." "This is simple stuff, how do you not get it?" You laugh slightly.

Lena didn't say anything as you didn't acknowledge what Lex had said about her crush on you. She was hoping that you didn't hear what he said or just didn't think it was true.

You heard everything, of course. You weren't surprised Lex would say that as he had been trying to convince you that Lena has a crush on you.

You didn't really believe him, though, because why would she like you when you have been teasing her so much for years.

"Face the music Lex, you're wrong and I'm right." "As always," you add smirking at the older guy.

"Mrs Luthor, may I ask you a question?" You ask Lillian politely as she enters the room.
"Of course hon," Lillian replied, "and i told you, you don't have to call me Mrs Luthor. Lillian is fine." She adds.

You nod and then ask her if she knows much about the topic you were talking about. When Lillian confirms that she knows a bit about it, you ask her the question.

Lilian says basically the same thing as you were saying all along. You just looked at Lex smirking again now that two other people already agreed on your point. Lena just stands back observing the interaction.

Lex stands there dumbfounded for a second. "See i told you, even your mother agrees with me," you say, causing Lilian to laugh lightly.

"What happened to you Lex, everyone in your family is so smart.... And then there's you, " you tease. "Mrs Luthor, do the brains of the family skip the male species or something because that would explain a lot," you wonder.  This time, Lillian laughs loudly as Lex just looks at them frowning.

"Never mind... Your dad is smart too. You're the only dumbass," you say to Lex.

"I guess he is," Lilian says, going along with the joke. Lena is also amused by the interaction and is happy that, for once, she's not the one being teased by you.

"Mom! You're not supposed to agree with her" Lex whines. "But she's right hon, maybe she should take your spot in the family," Lilian jokes.

Lex looked at her unimpressed but he knew they were just jokes. You and Lex were good friends after all, and even Lilian loved having  you over all the time.

You got along well with the Luthors. The only person that didn't like you was Lena, or so you thought anyway. You didn't blame Lena of course, for disliking you as you had teased her since the beginning of high school.

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