Part 15

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You woke up nice and early on Saturday, you were happy that you no longer had to pretend to date Taylor.

You were spending the day with Lex, which always brightened up your day. You and Lex were going to meet some of your buddies and go bowling and to the arcade afterwards.

You did this all the time, at least once a month, for a while now. It was a nice way to get away from everything and enjoy each other's company.

Some friendly competition was good. It was a great way for you to all bond and spend some time together since many of your friends were in college you wouldn't usually see them as much.

When you went out you always car pooled. Usually you and Lex would drive. You would all go for a meal after a few hours at the arcade.

After the meal, you dropped off the three friends that were riding with you and then drove to Lex's house. You always did this, go to his place for the rest of the day.

You pulled into his driveway, seeing that his car was not there. Looks like you came back first. You leaned on your car as you waited for him to come back.

Lex finally pulled into the driveway and you waved hello as he got out of his car. You threw your arm around his shoulders as you walked towards the house.

Once you went inside you spotted Lena in the living room and Lillian was also downstairs. Lena basically ran upstairs when you two came back and closed herself in her room.

You looked at Lillian with a confused expression and she just shrugged, not knowing why Lena left so quickly. You brush it off though as you and Lex hang out.

Lena avoided you as much as she could before anyway, but now that you were in a relationship, she felt like she shouldn't be around you. No one knew that the relationship was fake yet.

They would all see on Monday though. You were actually quite surprised that Taylor didn't post her new boyfriend all over her socials.

You went home quite late that evening, you always spent a lot of time with Lex or Taylor since your house was always so boring to you.

You also didn't really like being there because it was the source of a lot of your traumas and bad memories associated with your life.

Lena's POV: Sunday

"Dude, seriously, what's up with you? Quit moping around," Sarah, one of Lena's close friends says.

"You've been sad since you got here. What's going on?" She asks. "Huh, nothing, I'm fine," Lena replies, not sounding very convincing.

"Don't lie to me," she tells Lena harshly, seeing right through her bullshit. "It's whatever," Lena says, not wanting to talk about it.

"Come on, spill. You know i won't stop until you do," she states. "There's this person-" Lena starts pausing for a second, unsure if she should say it.

"Do i need to take care of anyone?" Sarah asks in a serious tone. "What?!? No!" Lena replies quickly.

"I'm just not sure I wanna say it," Lena admits. "Too bad, you're telling me one way or another," Sarah says.

"IlikesomeonethatIshouldnt," Lena says quickly. "Girl, what?" Sarah asks. "I like someone who i shouldn't and they are also in a relationship, so there's that." Lena finally says normally as she lets out a loud breath.

"Ooh drama," Sarah exclaims. "Seriously?" Lena says, rolling her eyes at her friend. "Who is it?" Sarah asks with a smirk.

"Not telling," Lena replies instantly. "Ugh, fine. Have you talked to this person before and how long are they in a relationship and do you know if they like you?" Sarah asks.

"Yes, I've talked to them before. They've been in a relationship for like a week and i don't know, they might." Lena answers all the questions.

"Why are you asking all these questions anyway? Like I said, I shouldn't even like them and not just because they are in a relationship," Lena asks curiously.

"dramaaa, what did they do? Honestly, I think you should tell them. What's the worst that could happen." Sarah advises.

"Oh i don't know, maybe embarrass myself by confessing when they are literally in a relationship and then having to see them every day at school until we graduate." Lena responds in a sarcastic tone.

"You're overthinking it. It's not that deep." Sarah says. "No, it is. And plus they are literally dating their best friend. They wouldn't want to hurt them, " Lena says sadly.

"Wait, best friend, do you know how long they've been friends?" Sarah asks, trying to get the full picture to be able to help Lena.

"I don't know, long enough, at least a few years. They've been friends since the start of high school, if not before then," Lena replies.

"Don't you think that's kinda sus, if they've been friends for so long would they not have gotten together sooner if they were really that into each other?" Sarah speaks her thoughts.

"I guess so." Lena says, "What's your point?" Lena adds. "My point is, tell her." Sarah says. "Okay, i might...... Wait, how do you know it's a her?" Lena asks, knowing that she always used gender neutral pronouns.

"Girl really, you've literally never been this down bad for a man," Sarah chuckles. Lena stares at her for a moment. "Yeah, you got a point," she agrees with a chuckle.

"In all seriousness, I can't tell you what to do, but i suggest you tell her. But ultimately it's your decision if she's worth the risk of making a total ass of yourself if she doesn't like you back." Sarah says with a chuckle.

"Hey, not funny," Lena says with a pout. "This is serious. We also seemed to have skimmed over the part where i said i shouldn't even like this person. "

"We have some pretty bad history," Lena adds. "Leave the past in the past and do it," Sarah says demandingly.

Y/n's pov:

It was now Sunday morning and you decided to sleep in a little. You didn't have many plans today, just a few errands to run.

You went food shopping in the early afternoon and did homework after since you didn't do it the day prior.

All in all, the day was pretty boring but productive. It was getting later into the night as you packed your bag for school the next day and sat down to watch some TV.

You heard a hesitant knock on your door, barely audible. It was 8 pm and you weren't expecting anyone, so you were curious who this late visitor was.

You opened the door, complete shock over your face. It was the last person you had ever expected to be on your doorstep....

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