Part 4

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The next day you were sitting in English class, bored out of your mind. You had recently had a test and the teacher has the results back.

She handed back everyone's test and kept yours for last. She approaches your desk as she hands you the test. "Barely passed, again Y/n" Ms Lewis says.

You never got high grades in English because you never paid attention in class and thought that English was a waste of time. You would always get distracted and sometimes fall asleep as the teacher would ramble on about something.

"Keep this up and you'll fail the class Y/n." "Then you can kiss basketball goodbye" she says. You laugh internally at her comment. If you wanted to you could do so much better in this class but you just didn't want to.

"Umhm" You hum. The whole class was watching the interaction at this point. "I will assign a tutor for you to help you with this class" Ms Lewis states.

"What. I don't need a tutor" you laugh. "Your grades say other wise" the teacher replies. "Lena, you have the highest grade in the class, will you tutor Y/n?"

"Sure, i guess" Lena says reluctantly, not happy about it but she doesn't want to deny the teacher. "No no no" You say "I don't need a tutor. Just let me prove it to you, last chance, you can give me another test, even tomorrow if you want" You add

"Okay, last chance Y/n, this grade needs to go up. You have almost the worst grade in this class" she says. Lena sighs in relief that she doesn't have to tutor, especially you.

"With all due respect Ms Lewis, maybe my grade would be better if this class wasn't so boring and a waste of my time" you say tired of the teachers comments.

"For that you earned yourself a quiz, for tomorrow and if you don't do well I'll make sure your basketball coach knows that you are failing my class" the teacher replies.

You weren't worried as you knew you could easily pass the quiz. It was important for you not to fail as you would get kicked off the basketball team if you was failing even one class.

After school you studied English for a few hours and did all your other homework. You only got a few hours of sleep, but you were ready for that quiz.

The next day
You enter the English class earning a glare from the teacher, she was still not happy about your comment from the day prior. She made sure to make this the hardest quiz she could.

You sat in your seat waiting for the class to start. The teacher assigned some questions for the class and then approached you with the quiz in hand.

"Y/n, you have 1 hour to complete this quiz, and write a 5 page essay based on this question on The Great Gatsby" the teacher tells her.

You now know just how mad the teacher is, that she gave you a whole essay to do along side the quiz.

The teacher walks away as you quickly scan the quiz. You are quite relieved when you seem to know everything on it. You quickly start writing the answers and finish the quiz in just 10 minutes.

Then you just had the essay left. Good thing that you had actually read the novel before. The teacher was probably trying to catch you out, hoping that you haven't.

You quickly plan out the essay in your head and then start writing. The teacher in the meantime is working on her computer while occasionally scanning the classroom to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to.

You finishes the essay in 30 minutes. Totaling just 40 minutes altogether. You suspected that the teacher made it so you would struggle to finish it in time, but you had something to prove and did it with 20 minutes to spare.

You get up from your desk and approached the teacher. You slam the papers on her desk which catches the attention of the class. Lena shakes her head at the interruption and your dramatic actions.

"What? Already giving up?" The teacher mocks. "No, I'm done." You reply smugly. "But it's only been 40 minutes, there's no way that test was supposed to take well over an hour" the teacher replies. Confirming your suspicion of the teacher trying to sabotage you.

"Leaves you with plenty of time to correct it" you reply "and i expect it to be corrected fairly, because if i have to I'll ask another teacher to check it also" you add quietly before flashing a smile and walking to your seat at the back of the class.

The teacher is not happy about how rude you are. She corrects the papers furiously as you observe her from the back of the class.

15 minutes later the teacher is done correcting and gives the quiz and essay back to you and walks away instantly. You see the red 95% at the top right corner of the page. You smirk to yourself "need a tutor my ass" you chuckle.

From that day Ms Lewis didn't like you much, but you always got good grades and flashed a smile at the teacher every time you made eye contact which annoyed the teacher. As a result the teacher would always call on you in class to answer questions which you did perfectly every time.

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