Part 10

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The Luthors finally returned home from their trip. The trip wasn't the same after you left, but they enjoyed it nonetheless.

They understood why you needed to leave and why you needed space. It was around 8 pm, Sunday night, so everyone decided to get to bed as they had school or work the next day. Lex found it difficult to sleep as he woke up at 1am.

He decided he was going to get a snack to hopefully help him get back to sleep. He goes downstairs and eats a quick bowl of cereal, the ultimate midnight snack.

He sneaks back upstairs and as he passes by Lena's room he hears something unexpected. He hears something that sounds like she moaned 'Y/n'.

Lex freezes for a second, totally embarrassed and confused. He rushes back to his room and pulls out his phone.

He dials your number. "Hello?" You answer sleepily. "Uhh, what are you up to?" Lex asks, "Lex it's 1 in the morning, what the fuck do you think I'm up to, i was sleeping you jackass" you reply, all you wanted was to go back to sleep.

"Oh, uh, sorry, I couldn't sleep. So you're at home right now?" He asks. "What's with the weird questions dude, yes I'm at home. Do you need something?" You ask.

"I- uh, never mind, I'll see you tomorrow," Lex says as he hangs up the phone. You groan in annoyance as you put your phone on your nightstand going back to sleep.

Well that ruled out that possibility Lex thought. He already had suspicions that Lena was low-key crushing on you, but he didn't think it was like that.

Clearly she was either having dreams about you or- touching herself while thinking about you. Lex shivered at the thought, now being more awake than before.

It took a while for Lex to fall asleep again. His mind was spinning with thoughts. Lex always joked and even encouraged you about going out with Lena and telling you about her crush on you, but now he was pondering on what effect that would have on his friendship with you.

But at the end of the day, you were the only one that he thought was good enough for his sister. You were his favourite person and he knows that you would be a good girlfriend.

Lena had dated people before, mostly guys and Lex always managed to get rid of them as he didn't think they were good enough for his younger sister.


You met up with Lex before going to school as you would often pick him up before school started and grab a drink together. Lex's college classes started much later than yours, so it wasn't a problem.

You sat at a cafe together as you talked. You finally brought up the subject from last night. Why was he calling you asking weird questions like that.

Lex was defensive, not really knowing if he should tell you about it, but you eventually convinced him to tell you.

He finally tells you what he heard and you just kind of look at him in shock. "Okay? But then how come you called me if you weren't gonna tell me?" you ask, confused.

Lex gives you a look, "Oh," you say catching on, "you thought i was- there," you laugh out. Lex just glares at you jokingly and rolls his eyes.

"I swear if this is another one of your attempts to convince me that she likes me, it's a bit too far," you tell him.

"I swear- on my life. I heard her" Lex defends. You look at him suspiciously, "Hmm, okay then," you say, losing interest in the conversation.

"Why do you keep trying to convince me that she likes me anyway?" you ask, curious. "Dude, if anyone is good enough for my sister, it's you. I don't want her to date some asshole that will break her heart or do something bad." Lex states honestly.

You hum in understanding as you talk for a few more minutes before you wrap up. You had to go if you wanted to get to school on time. You dropped Lex a block from his house as you drove off to school.


The school day went pretty smoothly, except the part where you got a project assigned in history class. The project is not the bad part, though. The project is to be done in pairs.

The pairs were of course assigned by the teacher, and since he is an asshole he put you and Lena together, knowing you don't get along.

That will be fun, you thought to yourself sarcastically as you saw who you were paired up with, knowing that Lena is always so snappy around you and especially now knowing what you found out this morning.

You invited Lena to your house after school so you could work on the project and get it done asap. It was only due on Friday, but you liked to get ahead when you could.


Lex dropped Lena off at your house and drove off. Lena walked in through the unlocked door as you told her to let herself in.

Lena looked around a bit. The house was so clean and tidy. It was a small enough house, but it was still nice.

It had 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, as well as the communal space like a kitchen and living room.

You come downstairs a few minutes later as you finished getting dressed. "Sorry for the wait. Wanna come upstairs?" You ask and Lena just nods in response.

You point her in the direction of a bathroom before you go upstairs in case she needs it later. As you walk through the house she sees a bedroom with its door wide open.

It doesn't look used though Lena thought. It's probably a guest room or something as it's completely empty other than furnishing.

Then there were two closed doors. You opened one and went inside, it was like a work space for you. For studying or reading or whatever else you needed to do in there.

There were quite a few bookshelves around the walls filled with all types of books. "Do you live here alone?" Lena asks out of nowhere.

"Uhh yeah, dead parents, remember?" You say. "Yeah, i just didn't think you'd be living alone. Weren't you underage when they died?" She asked.

"Yeah I was, but it was fine," you replied. You powered on your computer as you spoke in case you needed it for research.

"Walking in, it doesn't even look like the house is lived in. it's so clean and- minimalistic," Lena says after a pause, thinking of the best word to use.

You were a very tidy person and you didn't like clutter. Your bedroom was the only place that would sometimes look a little messy, but the rest of the house was in pristine condition.

"Yeah, I'm not a slob, i like my living space to be clean," you say. You finally get everything you need to work on the project.

The awkward small talk can stop now, which was definitely a relief. That was the most awkward conversation ever.

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