Part 31

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It was finally Christmas Day, Lex burst into Lenas room at 7 in the morning, excited like a child would be for Christmas.

"Come on guys, get up. It's Christmas!!" Lex screams excitedly. You open one eye slightly to look at the grown man who's acting like a child.

"Go away, Lex," you huff as you wrap your arm tighter around Lena's body. "Come on... I'm going to pull the blanket if you don't get up. " Lex threatens excitedly.

"We're naked," you mumble as you close your eyes again. "I don't believe you," Lex says as he goes to grab the bottom of the blanket.

"Are you sure you want to take that risk?" You ask with a raised eyebrow as you look at him again. He looks at you with a narrowed gaze for a few seconds, ", but you better not be," Lex says lowly. "That's my sister," he adds.

You chuckle at his remarks, "Oh, grow up and get out." You laugh as you throw a pillow at him. He catches it, "y'all have 15 minutes and then I swear I'll drag you both out of bed naked or not" Lex tells you making Lena groan in frustration due to not being able to sleep.

"Okay we'll be down." Lena tells him, "Now go," she adds. "Okay fine" Lex agrees. "You better not be fucking" Lex mouths to you which makes you smirk, you knew that he wasn't serious about it, you were literally in college and he would have absolutely no say in such matters anyway.

"How have I been friends with this dude for so long," you groan as Lex finally leaves the room, placing a soft kiss on the back of Lena's neck before getting up to get dressed.

You are both downstairs within the 15 minutes, still feeling sleepy. "I see he's dragged you out of bed too," you say as you see Lillian and Lionel downstairs with coffee.

"Yeah. We've been dealing with this since he was a kid," Lilian laughs. "Some people just never grow up," you laugh.

"Hey!" Lex whines suddenly, "it's Christmas, we're supposed to get up early and do fun things." He defends.

"Yeah I was doing a fun thing. It's this thing called sleeping. It's very restful you should try it," you say sarcastically as you pour yourself and Lena a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, love" Lena mumbles as you hand her the coffee. "You can sleep any other day. We have presents to open" Lex chirps and you roll your eyes jokingly at his childishness.

You spend the next hour or so opening gifts from each other. "Anyone hungry? I'd say it's time for breakfast," you say as you get up, collecting all the wrapping paper and bags scattered around the floor.

You hear a few hums of agreement as everyone was beginning to feel hungry. "Anyone up for pancakes?" You ask the family receiving responses in the affirmative.

"Oh yeahhh, like the ones you made last time," Lex chuckles happily as he thinks back on how tasty they were.

"As if you're getting any," you mumble as you walk away, causing Lena to giggle as she follows you towards the kitchen. "I'll help," Lena says, kissing your lips briefly.

You smile as you begin taking out ingredients. "It's just like last time," Lena says, remembering. "Yeah, except for Lex floating around annoying us every five seconds," you giggle as you prepare the pancakes.

"That's true, we had privacy last time." Lena agrees and you hum. "I feel bad for your mum and dad. They have to deal with him alone when we're gone," you say jokingly as you wrap your arms around Lena as she focuses on her task.

As you eat breakfast, you all decide that next up on your list of things to do was to go to the Christmas parade. You get dressed in the warmest clothes you have as it was freezing outside before you all set off.

You and Lena drove together and Lex and his parents took another car as it would have been a tight squeeze to only take one vehicle.

You arrived at the location, Lex pulling up right after you. You opened the door for Lena and intertwined your hands together as you walked closer to the parade.

The rest of the Luthors following suit. You admired the parades, the bright lights and decorations. It was an amazing show, which made up for the freezing cold weather.

You really got an opportunity to spend a lot more time with Lenas family and you really bonded more than ever before. You always considered them to be your true family and now you truly felt a part of it.

You always had good fun regardless of what you did. There were never any fights or arguments, especially during the holiday season. It was always so peaceful compared to what you were used to.

Everyone contributed to cooking up a Christmas dinner and the preparation of several side dishes. This whole holiday season you couldn't keep a smile off your face.

You couldn't help but watch the Luthors as they laughed about something, getting lost in your thoughts. "Y/n, you okay?" Lena asks whispering as she approaches you.

"Yeah of course. It's just so refreshing to see you all get along so well," you tell her with a smile, receiving a peck on the lips. "Come on, foods almost ready," Lena says as she pulls away.

You help Lena set the table and by the time that's done Lillian and Lionel start bringing out all the food and placing it on the table.

Dinner seems to go by in a flash, which was followed by board games and Christmas movies. Everyone retired to bed as it was nearing midnight by the end of the second movie.

You only then realized that Lena had fallen asleep. You stay sitting there for a while longer, just thinking as you didn't want to disturb her. You couldn't help but wonder what your future would be like. The one thing you knew for a fact was that one day you were going to marry this girl.

After 15 minutes or so, you decided that you would just attempt to carry Lena to bed as she was usually a pretty heavy sleeper and you didn't want to wake her up unnecessarily.

You successfully got her into bed and laid down beside her. You stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever, unable to sleep before eventually drifting off into a slumber.

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