Part 40

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It was finally time to head home. You packed up your belongings and loaded them into your car before exchanging one last hug with Kat as she came to say goodbye.

Kat had become one of your best friends and you knew that you would always be important to each other even when you won't see her in person for long periods of time.

You opened the passenger door for Lena, stepping aside. "My queen," you chuckle with a little bow. Kat starts laughing as Lena chuckles slightly, her skin turning a shade of red, "stop it," she says playfully as she sits in the car.

"Never," you smirk and close the door. You smile at Kat one last time before entering the driver's side of the vehicle.

Kat waves as you drive off to go home. The journey was long and tiresome as per usual, but you made it work. You listened to music and messed about as you drove to entertain yourselves.

After a couple of hours, you had settled down a bit, just playing some low music as you got lost in thought. Your hand rested on the gear stick and Lena put her hand on top of yours, stroking it gently with her fingers.

You smiled at her softly as her hand made contact with yours. You looked ahead quickly, paying attention to the road. "What are you thinking about?" Lena asks quietly as she could tell you were deep in thought.

"A lot of things, really. Main one I suppose is that we're going to have to tell everyone about the engagement. And that just seems like a lot of pressure and socializing." You tell her.

"You know some reactions we get are going to be so over the top," you giggle at the thought of what Lilian would do at the news.

"We'll wait a little bit, get settled back in first and then we can tell them the news." Lena proposes, "Sounds like a plan," you nod in agreement as a wide smile creeps up your face.

"What?" Lena asks with a laugh as she sees you smile out of nowhere. "Nothing. I'm just happy." You say, looking at her as you sit at a red light.


You pulled into the parking lot of big belly burger. You knew it was one of Lena's favourites. You had been on the road for a while and needed something to eat.

Lena squealed in excitement when she realized what food you were getting. She absolutely loved it. You make your way inside and order two meals, sitting inside to eat.

You loved seeing Lena so happy over such a small thing. It made your heart flutter. You watched as she quickly ate the food. "Enjoying that?" You ask jokingly as she basically swallowed the food without chewing.

"Umhmm, it's amazing, absolutely divine." Lena moans at the taste of the food. "You'd think you haven't been fed in days with how you're acting." You chuckle.

"I haven't had big belly burger in forever," Lena defends, "it's local to National City, y'know?" Lena asks sarcastically, making you chuckle. She really could get passionate about food.

You smirk as a thought pops up in your head. "Say you had to choose between big belly burger or me which would you choose?" You ask with a grin.

"You, of course. I can live without it for one day, " Lena mutters. "What if it meant you can't have it ever again?" You follow up.

"Oh, that's easy... Definitely big belly burger." Lena says thoughtfully. "Ouch," you say sarcastically, you already knew what her answer would have been.

"Eh, you'd probably trade me for a chicken nugget," you shrug playfully. "No, that's too far now -" Lena says, "I'd trade you for half," she adds after a pause. "Wow, just wow," you say, acting hurt.

"And here I am planning to marry the woman who values half a chicken nugget more than me." You chuckle as you clean up, having finished eating.

Lena stops you by pulling you in for a soft kiss, "you know I'd give the world for you," she whispers against your lips and you smirk.

"The world is not yours to give baby." You wink as you pull away from her. You toss the trash in the bin and head outside, holding the door for Lena as she follows behind you.

You push Lena against your car softly, trapping her against it. She looks up at you, her emerald eyes sparkling. You couldn't help but smirk, she looked so fine and she was all yours.

You kissed her lips briefly before trailing to her neck. "You're mine," you whispered into her neck as you kissed it softly, a soft blush rising to Lenas cheeks.

You pulled away from Lena as you pecked her lips again. Her lips chased after yours for a longer kiss, but you didn't let them meet.

You suddenly realized that you were in public and what happened the last time you were affectionate in such circumstances.

It was already getting dark and you were still quite the distance away from home. "We should book a hotel for the night. It's late," you whisper as you move back, leaving enough space to open the door for Lena.

Lena's eyes scan yours before she gets into the car. She noticed the slight switch in your gaze and she wasn't sure what caused it.

You made a quick phone call and had a room booked for the night in a hotel a few miles away. You made a special request for upon your arrival.

You stepped into the car, placing your hand on Lenas thigh comfortingly as you prepared to drive off.

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