Part 37

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Big time skip...

It was a busy time right now with your final exams just around the corner. You had two weeks until exams and then you would be graduating a week after they finished.

You really enjoyed your time in college, but you were ready for it to end. You were ready to take the next steps in life and you were excited just thinking about it.

You shot Kat a quick text to see if she's free as you had wanted to ask for her input on something important.

She quickly responded and you made your way to her dorm as your class ended. You knocked on the door in a rhythm before Kat opened her door, smiling at you brightly.

"Hey, bestie," you smile as she embraces you in a hug. "Hi," she says. "I can't believe you and Lena are leaving me here by myself soon," Kat pouts playfully.

"What can I do. We're graduating." "We'll come see you someti,me" you add with a little laugh. "I can't believe I have 4 more years." Kat sulks.

"Could have done it in 3" you say as you sit down on her chair and she sits on her bed. "Not everyone can half their time here by doing a stupid amount of courses, you know?" Kat says sarcastically, causing you to grin.

"Really? Not in my experience. " You laugh as you and Lena both did just that. Kat rolls her eyes playfully at your comment. "What did you want to talk about?" Kat asks, bringing you back to the reason of your visit.

"Oh yeah. Right. So basically, you know how Lena and I have been like totally not dating for a while now-" you say, referencing back to the time you pretended it was fake making Kat groan at the memory.

"So basically my question is, do you think it's too early to fake propose to her soon?" You ask her. "How long are you still going to be calling everything fake?" Kat laughs.

"Around you, always. Our inside joke if you will," you smile. "As to your question, how long have you been together?" Kat asks, not knowing how long you had dated prior to college.

"Just over 2 years and 3 months," you tell her. "Oh, so you were dating a while before college started" Kat observes. "Yeah, I suppose. I knew her before then, but we weren't exactly on the best terms, " you chuckle.

"Ooh, do I hear an enemies to lovers story?" Kat teases as she raises her eyebrows up and down. "You're so dramatic," you chuckle, "maybe we'll tell you the story some day, but not right now. It would take a while," you add.

"So, what's the verdict too soon?" You ask her again. "You know it really depends on you and her. These things differ from couple to couple. You are both still young, but if you think that she's the one, then by all means, go for it." Kat says.

A blush rose to your cheeks as you started thinking about her, Lena was perfect in your eyes. She's everything you have ever wanted and more.

"I honestly can't see life without her. She's everything to me. Life without her would be no life at all." You ramble as you stare off into space.

Kat smiles as you speak. She could see that you meant every word you said and she truly hoped that everything would work out between you and Lena.

"I can see how much you love her. I think you should ask her. I'm sure she feels the same as you do," Kat says, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Thanks, Kat. I know that I want this more than anything but I thought it would be good to get a second opinion." You tell her.

"So when can I expect to hear the good news?" Kat asks smugly. "We have exams coming up and graduation after, so not for a few months. I still need to plan the thing and get a ring. You know, probably in like summer time." You tell her.

"Well I'll be here to help if you need any advice or help with planning or anything," Kat assures. "Thanks, Kat. I really appreciate that," you say as you stand up, giving her one last hug before you leave her to study for exams.

You couldn't help the smile on your face as you left her dorm. It felt good to finally tell someone to say it out loud.

You still had a lot to plan and go ring shopping. It was going to be hard to revert your mind back to exams as all you could seem to think about for the last few weeks was that you wanted to propose.


Lena was sitting at her desk as you came into your dorm room. "Whatcha doing?" You ask as you kiss her cheek.

"Just looking at my exam schedule. I can't believe we're graduating soon." Lena says. "How are you feeling about that?" You ask, as she doesn't seem too happy about it.

"I don't know. It's bittersweet, I guess. But some things have to end for new things to start, right?" Lena says as she looks up at you.

"Yeah," you mumble. "But if you miss it too much, you can always go back," you grin. "There's always more degrees to get." You add.

"Yeah, but it would be no fun without you," she pouts, "you'll live," you joke as you peck her lips. "Rude," Lena huffs as she watches you looking through your bag.

"When is your last exam?" You ask her as you fish out your own exam schedule. "Uh, the 17th of May," Lena says as she looks at the schedule.

"Mines on the 15th." You tell her. "I think we should stay a little bit longer though after graduation since we won't be seeing Kat much after." You add.

"Yeah, for sure. I'm going to miss her," Lena says sadly. "We can come visit her sometime." You assure. "Maybe even some time at the end of summer before she goes back to college," you say and Lena hums in agreement.

"It is going to be sad leaving this place, though." You express. You did have a lot of memories and spent a huge part of your relationship here.


A/n: I decided to do a big time skip here because there's only so much you can write about college without it getting repetitive. I figured it was time to move the story along as I didn't have any more ideas for it.

Thank you all for the reads and votes. I hope you're enjoying the book.

-Also it's interesting how the smut chapters always have more reads than the chapters before or after them :)

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