Part 30

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You pull up to the Luthor mansion, seeing Lex's car in the driveway. It was the weekend, so you hoped that they would all be home.

You get the door for Lena and she links her arm with yours before holding your hand. You smile softly as you walk to the front door.

You let yourselves in as the front door was unlocked for whatever reason. You could hear Lilians voice the second you walked in.

They had already started decorating the house it seems, as Christmas decorations hung from the railings of the main staircase.

They really do go all out for Christmas. "Lena?" Lilian says in disbelief as she spots her daughter in the corridor. Lena smiles at her mom as they embrace in a hug.

"Y'all are here," you hear Lex almost scream in excitement as he rushes down the stairs and pulls you into a hug, causing you to chuckle.

"Wow, it hasn't even been that long." You laugh as you pull away from the hug. "It feels like forever," Lex whines, causing you to smirk at his child like whining. 

You give Lillian a hug too, "How have you been?" You ask as you let go of the hug. "Everything's been great, really. Business is going well too. We've just been missing you. It's not the same without the two of you here." Lillian tells you.

"Yeah it's not the same when Lena isn't here to annoy us," Lex jokes. "Hey," Lena says as she pushes his shoulder playfully. "Anyway, is Dad home?"

"Not at the moment sweetheart, but I'm sure he'll be home soon," Lillian tells her. "That's alright. Did you guys have any plans today?"

"Yeah actually we were going to put up the Christmas tree toda. Youu can hel us now," Lex says excitedly.

After some small talk, catching up on each other's lives, you started putting up the Christmas tree.

Everyone was laughing and smiling as they talked about anything and everything while decorating the tree. It made you smile seeing them all so happy as a family.

You never really got to celebrate any holidays before so this was different for you, a good different.

You all stepped back as you finished decorating, admiring your work. "We're just missing the star on the top," you say.

"Got it right here," Lena says as she steps forward. You smirk, knowing damn well that she won't be able to reach the top. You see her frown at the realization, which causes you to laugh out loud.

"Not funny," she says, unimpressed. "Kinda is. Get on my shoulders," you laugh. You squat down and Lena sits on your shoulders before you stand up again.

You walk to the tree and Lena places the start at the top. "Okay, let me down," Lena says and you chuckle "no" 

Lex and Lillian laugh at the situatio, which causes Lena to frown. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight," she says seriously.

You chuckle as you walk around a little bit, knowing that she's the one that won't be able to sleep without you. Luckily the Luthor mansion had high ceilings, so you could easily carry her around.

You walk into the living room "oh this couch?" You ask with a grin that she could not see. "Yeah," Lena says, trying to sound upset.

"I wouldn't mind that at all. This couch holds a lot of nice memories after all," you say as you sit on the couch so Lena could get off your shoulders.

You see a blush rising up her cheeks and ears at your comment before she buries her face into your neck. "If you get lonely in your king-size bed at night, we could put this couch to good use again," you whisper in her ear.

"Stop," she mumbled into your neck with embarrassment, which made it all the more amusing.

Lex walks into the room a few minutes later, followed by his mother. "Wanna watch a Christmas movie? Also, what's up with her?" Lex asks, then gesturing to Lena.

"Yeah for sure, let's watch something." You answer. "As for Lena, I don't know. I guess she's hiding from your ugly mutt," you say jokingly.

"Yeah, you're one to talk." Lex teases right back as he sits beside you. Lillian smiles seeing her whole family here as Lionel walks in the door.

"When did these two get home?" Lionel asks as he walks in the door. "This morn-" Lillian starts before getting cut off by Lena running to her father happily to give him a hug.

"Come, we're watching a Christmas movie," Lena says as she grabs him by the hand and drags him to the sofa.

"Okay. Okay," he chuckles as he walks with her. "What are we watching?" He asks. "I vote home alone. It's a classic" Lex speaks up. Everyone agrees on it and Lex turns it on while you and Lena quickly go to get some snacks for the family.

You return with popcorn and all kinds of sweets. You settle on the couch and Lena jumps on top of you, sitting in your lap.

You wrap your arms around her tightly and pull her in close, causing Lena to rest her head on your chest as the movie starts playing.

Lena shifts in your lap about halfway through the movie and you put it to her being uncomfortable in the same position for too long.

And then it happens again and again with shorter gaps each time. You then realize that her intentions are a lot more sinister than just getting comfortable. She was trying to tease you.

Two could play that game though so you reached for some chocolate on the table, grabbing a piece before settling back down and resting your hand on the inside of Lena's upper thigh and your other arm dropping from around her waist to lower down just above her core.

Lena flinched slightly as you started to move your hand up and down her thigh innocently, keeping your eyes on the screen.

You had seen this movie so many times, it was a tradition in your family when you were very young to watch it every Christmas before your parents went off the rails.

Although your parents became alcoholics you still continued the tradition and would watch the movies every year by yourself. The movie never seemed to get old and boring nonetheless.

You zoned out for a minute as you thought about your parents. You snapped back into reality once Lena placed her hand over yours, interlocking your fingers to halt your movements.

Lena knew she wasn't going to win this teasing battle as she was already getting aroused and the last thing she wanted was a repeat of Easter dinner when she was left all horny with no way to relieve herself.

What Lena didn't realize was that the damage was already done. Stopping your hand from moving against her thigh and so close to her centre didn't help as her arousal stayed regardless.

It wasn't the worst, but it was still an uncomfortable sensation. The rest of the movie went painfully slow for Lena. You could see her discomfort and smirked at her state.

The movie finally ended and Lena looked at her phone. It was past noon. "Oh wait," Lena says as she gets up, "we said we'll meet Sarah for lunch at 1" Lena says as she pulls you off the couch by your hand.

You knew it was bullshit. You didn't have any plans with her friends, yet you still played along. "Oh yeah, that's right we should go soon" you say, "can't leave them waiting" you say knowing damn well that it's just an excuse to leave for Lenas own personal reasons.

"Have fun catching up with your friends." Lillian says "be back before dinne, okay?" She adds. "Of course mom, we wouldn't miss it," Lena replies as she all but pulls you out of the room and outside to the car.

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