Part 32

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You were going back to college in a couple of days and wanted to celebrate with all your friends before you left. New Years was the perfect day to do it.

There was a big New Year's party just like every year and everyone was going. You and Lena met up with Taylor and Josh for brunch around noon on New Year's Eve.

You all planned to go together as Josh and Taylor wanted to drink as they always do and didn't want to worry about finding their way home in their wasted state.

You weren't much of a drinker anyway from seeing what it did to your parents so you didn't mind being the driver every time. All you cared about was having fun and alcohol for you was not needed for that.

"So how's college going for you two?" Taylor asks at brunch with a small smirk on her face. You tilted your head in slight confusion. Of course she would ask it like that because you knew that for her college is more about partying and not studying.

You scoff playfully at her insinuation about your college life. "It's going good. We're taking extra classes so we can graduate in half the time. It gets a little busy sometimes with course work and exams, but we're doing good, " you tell her.

"Any fun...parties?" Taylor asks after a small pause, causing you to chuckle. "If you must know, we went to one whole party during this semester," you tell her.

"That we left early," Lena giggles. "We were dragged there by our friend for Halloween," you add.

"Wow. Only one party. Can't imagine," Taylor scoffs playfully. "You know some people don't need to drink and party their way through college to have fun," you scoff playfully.

"Oh so you're having fun in...other ways" Josh smirks with a raised eyebrow. "Oh my god. I can't with you two, " you say, throwing your hands up in surrender.

"Why are we still friends with these two." You joke as you look at Lena, causing her to shrug playfully.

"I'll see who'll be having more fun when we're done with college in 2 years or less and you two still have another 2 to go," you say.

"That is if you don't fail out of college with your parties," you chuckle. "We're doing fine with our classes, thank you very much," Taylor scoffs, making you laugh.

"Whatever you say Hun" you laugh. "At least we have time for each other instead of overloading ourselves with classes," Josh counters.

"We have at least one date night a week so. And plus we're sharing a room so we always see each other." Lena says.

"That's so not fair. You're so lucky," Taylor scoffs. "Our college is super old school and has separate dorm buildings for men and women. It's such a hassle," she complains.

"That's what you get going to a private Christian school," you laugh. "Hey, it's not like I wanted to go there. You know I didn't have a choice if I wanted to finish college debt free as my parents went there and wanted me to follow in their footsteps." Taylor huffs.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you didn't have good enough grades for a scholarship," you tease playfully. "Oh shut up," Taylor says as she throws a fry at you, which you manage to catch with a grin.

You finish brunch and each go your separate ways to get ready for the New Year's Eve party. "Hey Lex," you say as you walk into the Luthor mansion with Lena.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" "For sure. Who do you think I am?" Lex chuckles. "See you there then," you tell him as you go upstairs.

There were still a few hours until you needed to get ready as neither you nor Lena ever took long to get ready.

You watched some TV together, cuddled on the bed until around six when you started getting ready. After a quick shower you walked out seeing Lena looking between 2 dresses.

"Which one do you think I should wear?" Lena asks, unsure, holding up a green and a black dress.

"Hmm.. I think the black one. It's sexy," you tell her. "Not worried that men will hit on me if I wear a sexy dress?" Lena teases. "They wouldn't dare," you say as you approach her. "If they do, I'll put them in their place," you whisper as you peck her lips, causing Lena to smile.

"Sure then," she says with a giggle. "You might be making things difficult for yourself though" Lena whispers. "Whattt?" You say with a fake hurt expression. "You think I can't handle sexy?" You ask. "I guess we'll find out." Lena smirks before walking away.

You smile at the interaction before pulling out the suit you planned on wearing. Lena went into the bathroom to get ready, so you decided to just change in her room.

You pulled on your suit pants, and inserted the belt through all of the loops before the bathroom door suddenly opened as you fastened the buckle.

"Can you help-" Lena begins before pausing a moment "-me with my dress." Lena finishes after a long pause of silence as a blush rose to her cheeks.

"Where is your shirt?" Lena asks as she turns her back to you so you could zip up the dress. You found it so very amusing that after so much time, Lena would still blush at the sight of your body.

"What you don't like this?" You ask teasingly. "I thought of going just like this," you add sarcastically as you adjust the strap of your sports bra, looking into the full body mirror.

"Stop messing around," Lena scoffs playfully as she turns to face you. "And here you were saying that I'm the one that can't handle sexy. You're practically on your knees," you whisper, causing Lenas mouth to drop open in shock.

You tilt your head with a smirk before pushing her chin up with your finger, closing her mouth. "Speechless, are we?" You chuckle before grabbing your shirt.

Lena takes a deep breath to compose herself. She internally scolds herself. She should have known something like this would happen.

Once she finally snaps out of her thoughts you had already finished getting dressed and was in the process of putting on your favourite silver watch.

"You ready to go?" You ask as you look back at Lena. She looks back at you for a few seconds, not saying a word before muttering, "Why do you always do this to me?"

"Woah, excuse me. I didn't do anything, " you say playfully. Lena raises an eyebrow challengingly. "Well, I suppose we have like 15 minutes before we must leave," you smirk as you look at your watch...

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