Part 9

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30 minutes later

You emerge from the woods, finally back at the campsite. Lex is the first one to spot you as he approaches you, scolding you for not telling him you're going somewhere.

"Relax, dude," you say casually. "I don't think you wanted me to wake you up at the crack of dawn to tell you I'm going for a run." You defend.

Lex's parents just watch you two bicker as they breathed a sigh of relief that you're back and okay.

Lena, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to your conversation as she was too busy staring at your body since you still had your shirt off.

"I just needed some alone time," you say finally. "Is that a crime?" You ask sarcastically. "The sunrise is amazing here, by the way," you say, rambling on. "I'm gonna go change,"

You go into your tent to change as Lex just stands there baffled. How could you not understand how dangerous that was and how you made them worry.

Once you change into clean clothes, you all eat breakfast together. You all decide to go on a hike after breakfast.

You explore the forest further looking at all the different types of bugs and wild flowers you saw on your journey.

You walk at the end of the group as you didn't want to bother them or even remind them that you are there since you really shouldn't be since it's a family trip.

This was a rare moment of bonding between Lex and Lena. They were leading the group, rushing ahead, joking around and laughing.

Lillian and Lionel walk behind the two, and you behind them. Lilian notices how quiet you've been and how you've been just tagging along in the back.

"Hey, you okay?" she asks you as she slows down slightly to walk next to you. "Hmmm, oh yea,  I'm fin,e" you say.

Lillian looks at you unconvinced. "You sure?" She asks again. You stay quiet for a while before you spe, "Why am I here?" You ask.

"What do you mean, you were invited sooo," she responds. "Yeah, but why? This is supposed to be a family trip. Why would you invite an outsider?" You ask again.

"You're not an outsider. You're Lex's best friend and you're like family." Lilian assures. "Still doesn't make sense, I've been best friends with Lex for years, but this is the first time i was invited," you say sceptically.

"I don't know what you want me to say," Lilian says softly, "i just thought you deserve an invitation. I thought it would be more fun with you here," she adds.

"You don't have to pity me, you know?" You start."I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, I don't need you to feel bad for me for not having a family."

"That's not-" Lilian starts but you cut her off. "No family is better than the one I had anyway," you state honestly.

Lilian just looks at you sadly, she wanted to include you more into their family but you took it as pity, she just thought that everyone deserved a family, but instead she made you feel more alienated by inviting you.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you invited me, but this is supposed to be family time," you say.


You all come back to the camp site after your hike. Lex suggests that you all go swimming next. You decline politely as you tell him that you went swimming already this morning and for them to have fun.

They were reluctant to go since they didn't want to leave you here by yourself. But you convinced them that they should go.

You just laid on the ground sprawled out. You were just laying there staring at the sky peaking through the leaves above you.

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