Chapter 11-"You will marry me, right?"

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Hello there! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. xx

I'd probably update this as soon as possible depending on the votes or comments.

Without further adieu, here's chapter 11. ;) 

Chapter 11—“You will marry me, right?”

Being here conscious in the hospital for two days felt like two weeks already, I was really, really bored. My friends would come visit during the day, but wouldn’tstay for the night. My dad and my brothers had work to pay off the bills.

My mom? She is either talking to Fatima outside or with me in my hospital room, sleeping. I’m getting a little envious of Andrew, though I know I shouldn’t but he can’t feel the boredom in this hospital. Sometimes I’d go to his room poke his arms, talk to his unconscious body, secretly hoping that what I was doing could help get his consciousness back faster.

So after some check-ups were processed, and the paperwork was all settled, I could almost squish my doctor when she told me I can be released. There isn’t a lot of stuff I had to pack since I only stayed here for four days and I was knocked out half of that time. To say I’m excited to get out of this hospital is an understatement.

It still worries me why Andrew hasn’t regained his consciousness and it furies me more to know that it’s all because of  Cole. It is so unbelievable that a guy I used to like would do such a thing. A knock on my room stopped me in my thoughts on how should I get back at Cole.

“He’s up!” Two pretty ladies informed me. They were grinning and panting. They obviously ran from the other room to here so they could deliver the news. I can’t remember how I left my hospital room but what I am sure of is that I want to see that what the twins told me was true.

I pushed Andrew’s room door open. I saw his bed crowded around by his family and our friends. I pushed Jay and Drake aside to see Andrew. His back was inclined, almost in a sitting position.

“Thank goodness!” I yelled as I hugged him. “I was already thinking of ways to get back to Cole, y’know?”

“Who are you?” My excitement and happiness quickly faded when I heard him.

“No way!” I whispered in disbelief. “Wait, what’s your name?”

“Andrew Jenkins.” He answered smoothly. He looked at me as if I was the dumbest person in the room to ask him that question.

“Who is she?” I asked as I pointed at Alyssa. He looked at her, and smiled smugly.

“That’s my sister, Alyssa. Her twin’s name is Alyson.”

“Him! Who is he?”









“Christie, I don’t have amnesia, okay?” He assured me, before bursting out in laughter everyone then joined in laughed at me. Embarassed, I punched his shoulder. “Ouch!” He cried, touching his shoulder.

“Let’s leave them.” I heard Thomas, Andrew’s father ordered. Everyone then left while laughing.  I kept my deadly gaze at Andrew while pinching or punching him from time to time.

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