Chapter 23-Our Ship is Sailing

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So this story is already rated as R. It won't be ranked like before but I have already submitted a ticket to wattpad if I could still have it changed. After all, the details in the 21st chapter wasn't too explicit.

Anyway, I apologize for not updating right away. Blame school, guys. Kiddin' but yeah it's partly the reason why.

This chapter hasn't been proofread yet. I'll be editing this soon. (I'm kinda sleepy, sorry)

Dedicated to: Sacha_Marie_Grace. Happy birthday to you! Enjoy your day, dear.


Chapter 23-Our Ship is Sailing

I fell asleep while Andrew ran his fingers through my red hair. He touched it softly like I was a baby he adored. When I woke up, the other side of the bed was empty. I looked over the side table which I got at a very low price from a garage sale and checked the time. It was already thirty three minutes passed ten o'clock.

I stretched my arms and yawn. It's late. Thankfully, it's my day off today. After making the bed, I went out of the room and walked downstairs. I found Andrew in the dining room with a cup of coffee.

"How's the hang over?" I chuckled while leaning on the wall. He startled a little, obviously shocked by my presence.

"Sucks as usual but thanks for the coffee last night it wasn't that terrible like I remembered." He smiled at me before sipping from his cup.

"Well, I make the best coffee for the drunk." I winked at him before walking towards the kitchen counter. I should have some breakfast.

"Really? Tell me who the other lucky ones who have tried it." He asked as I took a cup and started making a cup of coffee for myself.

"Barrack Obama, Ellen Degeneres...Oprah Winfrey." I mumbled, thinking of random celebrities or famous people my stuck-up mind could remember. "Tyra Banks when she got drunk after our night out..."

"When did they your coffee?" He asked as if he was really amazed.

"When I smoked pot" I answered blatantly as I grab a granola bar using my left hand. I then walked towards the table with my coffee on my right and sat across from him.

"You smoked pot? When was this?" He asked, his face looked concerned as if he wasn't suffering from hangover.

"Drew, chill that was a joke. I never smoked pot and Obama and the others never tried my coffee." I said holding back my laughter.

"Right, if he really did Biden would be our president right now." He chuckled before taking another sip from his coffee.

"Wait, what?!" I asked a little appalled by his retort. "Are you saying...."

"They could have died y'know." He answered seriously.

"That is the evilest thing I have heard today!" I glared at him, pouting a little.

"You just woke up so you can't really say that that was the evilest thing you have heard. It's probably the evilest thing you have heard so far." He pointed out making me roll my eyes at him. Huh! I'll just shut up but I won't admit that he has a point.

"You should just shut up and deal with your hang over, y'know?" I rolled my eyes before taking a bite from my granola bar.

"I was just curious, Chris." He mumbled making me look at him as I munch my food. "Did I wake you up last night or were you up waiting for me?"

I almost choked at his question. I quickly drank my coffee and I have completely forgotten that it was hot. "W...Why would I stay up waiting for you anyway?"

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