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Okay, I THOUGHT that when I got my life back that EVERYTHING would be back to normal...

...But I have never been more WRONG in my entire life. (Well maybe I have but...whatever that's not the point.)

It all started this morning when I was at my locker. I was writing yesterday's entry since I didn't have the time or patience to do last night since I was CONSTANTLY being annoyed by my bratty little sister Brianna. Then I looked up to see a certain lip gloss addicted diva with her mouth open in shock.

"Maxwell... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DIARY?!!!!!" she screeched, like a banshee on helium.

I looked up at the ceiling and pleaded "Oh God please... Not this story again."

But that didn't work, instead all I heard was "That's MY DIARY, and you know it!"

"Your diary? Puh-lease! You must be clearly mistaken, I thought your diary had a leopard print cover. But look at mine, it's denim with a pocket! I don't ruin my diary with tacky stuff, unlike someone."

"Cut it Maxwell! You just know that if I open that little book, it will have MY handwriting in it."

Starting to believe this girl has lost her mind.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is MACKENZIE we're talking about! She's always been cray-cray!

I wasn't going to just stand there and let her call me some diary-snatching thief.

"Mackenzie... Are you even LISTENING to yourself?! Are you that oblivious to the fact that I've always had it with me, or were you too busy drowning your face in lipgloss?! Sure, the only time I didn't have it with me was when you STOLE IT!"

She seemed shocked at this accusation and judging by the looks that we were receiving by everyone in the hallway, they were, too.

"S-Stole? Oh so now you're going to resort to the blame game. Well newsflash hun, it takes one to know one. So hand over to me right now what is rightfully mine."

Then she came up all in my face like bad breath. Well...actually her breath was minty from the gum she chews, but that's besides the point!

She whispered in my ear, "You don't want everyone to know your dirty little secret, do you, Bug Girl?"


I wasn't going to put up with this any longer!

"SHUT UP HOLLISTER!" I finally snapped, after taking so much verbal abuse from her over the past few months THIS was the straw that broke the camel's back. "You may think that you can get anything and everything that you want in life but there is no way in THIS life, the NEXT or even in your DREAMS that you are EVER getting my diary from me!"

I could have slapped her in the face and it would have had the same effect, because her anger was increasing so much that she looked like an active volcano on the verge of eruption. No... Make that a SUPERVOLCANO!

"Your diary... YOU. MEAN. MY. DIARY!" She yelled as she grabbed hold of MY diary, trying to tear it out of my hands,

But there was no way I was letting it go again. She pulled and tugged away at the book like a 50% reduced price TV on Black Friday.



This tug of war went back and forth, until...


It opened.

And when it opened, she grabbed the pages, trying to get a better grip than me.

But paper isn't as durable as denim...


It ripped to shreds.

My diary, everything that I have spent 9 MONTHS writing in. All of those precious memories, drawings, entries... Everything...TORE. IN. HALF.

Paper went everywhere, it felt like the moment lasted forever, playing in slow motion. Like my diary was showering me in confetti at the world's saddest parade.

All was lost.

"Look at what you've done... Remember Jessica's party invite? How you tore that in half? Now you've torn my diary?! YOU REALLY ARE LIKE SOME UNCIVILIZED GORILLA AREN'T YOU?! A dirty, clumsy, ANIMAL! She yelled at me, but I didn't care anymore.

Her words didn't hurt, because I felt so numb. So void of emotions...

My diary was gone, my prized possession taken away from me in an instant.

Mackenzie then decided to manipulate EVERYONE by crying crocodile tears and running down the hallway throwing one of her temper tantrums.

Of course everyone took her side and followed her to console her. Because she's Mackenzie, after all...

I however just fell to my knees in a pile of my diary and CRIED. I burst completely into tears. My diary was gone and now everyone thinks I'm nothing more than a DIARY GRABBING THIEF!

All of my past memories... GONE! ERASED!

But just when I thought that I had nothing left...

" okay there?" I heard a voice coming from behind me.

Oh just PERFECT!

You know, writing your thoughts on ordinary paper isn't the same as a diary.

Especially when you barely have any left...

I knew I shouldn't have used most of my paper on that art piece!

Now I'm stuck with nothing left to write on.



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