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Maxwell's Journal:

I never thought that I'd actually get this far, Nikki asked me to the Final Dance and no matter what deal I agreed with or what plan I followed... I can't change anything now. Even though there is the constant cloud of guilt shrouding over me, I know that I have made the best decision for her.

I pretty guilty for using money from THAT fund to cover the costs for tonight, but if Nikki is happy then I too am happy.

I rented a freaking limousine for the night. That's how much I'm spending. And I'm not a very rich guy, but she isn't rich either. Mackenzie told me about her secret, that she was only attending WCD on a scholarship thanks to her father being the school's exterminator.

And I don't mind that, but others would have a problem with it. And there is no way I would let her secret get exposed. So maybe I made the right choice after all. Hopefully Roberts is now going with Mackenzie instead, that narcissist can never hurt Nikki ever again.

I felt pretty nervous during the limo ride, I know that I have had bad experiences with limos before but I had never been with a girl before. And I have never had the experience of meeting a girl's PARENTS!

I felt my heart drop as the chauffeur stopped the limo and said that we had arrived. I had no idea what awaited me the other side of the black tinted window. I then grew the courage to open the door and step outside.

It was like any other ordinary house, except what was outside.


Like, her Dad had to be the COOLEST exterminator ever! If he has a van like this he must really be dedicated to his job, Nikki is so lucky to have a father like that. But enough of prejudgment, it was time to actually meet her parents. Mr & Mrs Maxwell.

I finally knocked on her door and waited a minute which felt like an hour. I was greeted by her mother, who I had actually talked to before. Only this time, she knew it was me and I wasn't in some bear suit sounding like Barney the freaking dinosaur.

"You must be Maxwell, please come in. Nikki will be with you any minute now."

"Thank you madame."

"Polite and well mannered, just like she told us. Now if you could take a seat in the lounge I'll go and tell her that you're here."

I took a seat in the lounge, and I finally got to meet... Her father. He seemed to be staring daggers at me, thinking that I'm some no good thug who only wants to hurt her. But I know that most fathers can be like this when their daughters start dating. He must think the world of her and wants to protect her from harm, just like I want to do. I knew that I had one shot to impress him. Think of something smart Maxwell...

"You must be Mr. Maxwell, I must say that I really like your Periplaneta Americana van. Do you happen to be an exterminator?"

"You know the scientific name for a cockroach? That's pretty impressive young man. And why yes I am, I take great pride in my work and I'm actually the exterminator at WCD."

"That's impressive, you must be a very good exterminator Mr. Maxwell to be employed at a school like WCD. Nikki is very lucky to have a father like you."

"Thank you so much young man, please take good care of my daughter tonight."

"Are you both getting aquainted?" her mother asked us.

"Of course, this young man even knows the scientific name for a cockroach." he answered.

First impressions are a success.

"So, Maxwell. What are your intentions with our daughter? I hope that you aren't up to any funny business." Her kind manner turned into that of any protective maternal figure.

So here is the pressure that many young guys face when meeting their date's parents. I knew that I had one shot at this, to show that I had the right intentions.

"I promise you, I wouldn't dare to think of any having bad intentions towards your daughter. When I first met her, she was crying. I was able to cheer her up, and ever since that day...

...All I want is to make sure that she will never be reduced to tears like that ever again. To make sure that she is safe from harm. To make Nikki happy. Those are my intentions."

It felt kinda sappy that I was pouring my heart out to others, that wasn't the way I was raised after all... But enough about that, they both looked at me for quite some time. Until her mother broke into tears and HUGGED me.

"Thank you so much, I know that you will make her happy."

It felt different to have someone else hug me for once, but it felt great. I haven't felt an embrace like this since... NO I can't keep dwelling on the past, tonight was the night to forget all of that and to finally have what I have been searching and wishing for. A companion.

I turned my head to the right and saw Nikki, she looked absolutely FLAWLESS.

"Mom, what are you doing?" she asked as her face turned bright red.

"Oh sorry sweetie, I'll back away from your man." her Mom said as a joke.

"MOM!" she yelled in embarrassment.

I couldn't help but start laughing, her parents joined in with me.

"So, I guess we had better get to the dance. Your chariot waits outside Cinderella." I said, I tried not to cringe at that line. Did that really come out of MY mouth?


"Only the best for you." I told her.

She once again turned a bright red.

'Tonight is going to be the BEST night ever!' were my thoughts at the time...

"I WANNA RIDE IN THE CHARIOT! I WANNA GO TO THE BALL!" I heard a screeching voice that I have heard before yell at me.

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