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Nikki's Diary:

I thought that things COULDN'T get any worse, but I was wrong.


I arrived at school this morning to see EVERYONE crowding around something, so I made my way through the crowd to see what all the commotion was about.

"HEY! Back of the line Maxwell, if you want your ticket then you're gonna have to wait like the rest of us." Someone yelled at me.

Tickets? So that's what they were waiting in line for. OMG I felt so embarrassed and now everyone thinks I'm some line cutter.

I then did the reasonable thing and waited in line. I wondered what I was actually waiting in line for, was it some concert? Because that would make sense for a line THIS BIG. As the line advanced closer I finally saw what I was waiting in line for...


There was ANOTHER dance?! How many does this school have?

1. Halloween

2. Sweethearts

3. And now Final

OK, 3 seems reasonable.

I then overheard how 'this is the biggest dance of them all' and how 'Only the 9th grade are participating'. Does this make the other two dances meaningless or something?

I knew that EVERYONE would be going, so I waited in line until I arrived at the front.

"1 ticket please." I asked politely.

"Actually, we just sold out." Said Brittany the cheerleader captain.

"So there are no more tickets left?"

"Exactly, we have to turn in an exact figure for the number of students."

This seems oddly familiar, where have I heard that before?

My hopes of attending the Final dance have been crushed just as they had began. :( And I was so looking forward to asking Brandon to be my- Oh right...

He didn't seem like his normal self yesterday in biology. He was feeling kinda down, am I the one to blame for this?

Maybe it's a good idea after all that I'm not attending the dance, I couldn't imagine making a decision on who should be my date.

I had plans to meet Chloe and Zoey in the Janitor's closet today so I entered the small room. I was welcomed with a...


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed like an idiot.

"Huh?" Two very confused BFFs said.

"Oh, it's just you guys."

"Of course silly. We did have plans to meet here today, you know?" said Chloe.

"That's right, so what do you guys want to talk to me about?" I asked.

And to my surprise, they had a ticket in each hand.

"These two are for you." said Zoey.

"For me? But why would I need TWO tickets?" I asked.

"One is for you." said Chloe.

"The other is for your date." said Zoey.

Oh no, I appreciate the gesture but I knew EXACTLY what this was building up to.

"My date? But who is that?" I decided to play dumb to deny what was about to come.

"That's entirely up to you." said Zoey.

"Both boys would make a PERFECT couple with you, so we will support either of your decisions." said Chloe showing jazz hands.

"What boys?" I played dumb once again.

"Brandon OR Maxwell." they both said.

I froze on the spot, my mind went into a complete meltdown as my new worst fear had immediately become a reality.

"I...I...I CAN'T!" I yelled as I ran out of the Janitor's closet.

I ran and ran and the one moment that I look behind me I crashed at full speed into...

"Whoa, you in a rush there?"


"I...I'm really sorry!" I stammered.

"Don't be, it's okay. But why were you in such a rush?" he asked me.

"I...It's nothing." I lied.

He looked at me with a puzzled look, shrugged his shoulders and said

"Okay Nikki, whatever you say."

He then started to walk away, and usually I would let him but SOMETHING within me brought me to say


He then turned around and our eyes met, it was like time had froze as we were staring at each other for what seemed like forever.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Uh...yeah...everything's fine." he replied.

I could tell that SOMETHING was wrong with him. But I didn't want to bother him so I just said

"Okay Brandon, whatever you say." as he walked away.

Did our roles just reverse in an instant? Talk about a strange day. And I had completely forgotten that Chloe & Zoey had been chasing me.



I turned around and saw them.

" your tickets." they said out of breath.

"I'm sorry guys but I can't make this choice." I explained.

"Nikki, we understand that this may be putting pressure on you. But you're the only one who can make this decision, we can't make this one for you."

"You have to be the one to make the decision."

"Why...Why do I have to do this?!" I was close to tears.

"It's girls ask the guys." Chloe said.

"And since you have only spent 9th grade here instead of the first two years, allow us to educate you on what this dance truly means." Zoey said.

"The finals dance is what every student at WCD anticipates from the moment that they first enter this school." Chloe explained.

"It's kinda like a middle school prom." they both said.

"And proms usually result in couples being forged and memories being made." Zoey explained.

"So whoever you choose, you WILL be in a relationship with at the end of the dance." Chloe explained.

As much as they're good friends to me, they aren't making this any easier.

"And if you don't choose one of them..." Chloe started.

"...You won't be with either of them." Zoey finished.

Just great, so if I choose one of them then the guy I didn't choose would probably hate me.

But if I didn't choose then I would be all ALONE and I won't be able to get together with either of them?!

O.M.G! WHAT AM I GOING TO DOOOOOOOOO??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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