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Maxwell's Journal:

Here I am again, another night alone in this empty house.

Did Hollister really think that I would trust her after everything she has done?

She says that she sees everything in that school, but clearly her vision is clouded.

I made sure to switch her flash drive around with a new one yesterday containing some interesting information.

I now know that I can sleep easy, knowing there is no way that she can get revenge on Nikki now that she's with Brandon.

Now that she's with Brandon...

With Brandon...

But not with me.

What is this feeling?

Regret? Possibly... A feeling that is making tears flow down my face, and fall onto these pages I write in.

Have I made a huge mistake?

I have spent all of this time wishing and praying that a special someone like her would enter my life, and my wish was granted. But I didn't accept that wish, and instead I made someone else's wish come true.

Brandon, your wish was granted.

My wish... Well, that will have to wait.

Maybe that is what truly matters. Not self gain, but instead making others happy.

But at what cost?

Now I'm all alone again, no family, nobody to love me.

Maybe this is the way I'm destined to be, forever.

It's very melancholy, bitter but sweet. Sweet but bitter.

I didn't even get to announce that Principal Winston has granted me that scholarship to Westchester High. I'll be with Nikki and the others for many more years.

But I know that what is done, is done. I can't go back to that dance and change the course of time.

Just like I can't change what happened that day.

Growing up as the heir to a criminal syndicate. As the son of its leader childhood was rough enough, I wasn't allowed outside to play with the other kids, to make friends or to live an honest life.

Caged inside a mafia compound like some prisoner, longing to be like everyone else. Longing to pursue my artistic talent.

But THAT DAY... That day was the breaking point.

My father gave me a gun to perform my first hit, he had trained me to be some cold blooded killer who would one day takeover the family business. But I resented that.

It was all due to a disagreement over a faux art shipment. I was forced by him to recreate several pieces of art. He said that if I'm gonna have such a useless talent, then I should make it useful. I was foolish to agree to recreate those stolen paintings...

He was bitter to be disagreed with, and I saw first hand as he rammed a limo off of the road and murdered a French diplomat by the name of Jules Artois.

This fake art shipment was supposed to make my father's client a lot of money. However, due to Jules's launch of an investigation. My father was caught red handed.

The mystery client held a deep grudge.

It wasn't enough for whoever sent out the hit. Mr Artois's wife who was a member of French royalty also fell victim to my father.


'Hey kiddo, the client wants the kid dealt with too. Now go in there and finish the job.'

Entering the limo I met face to face with the son of the murdered couple. He looked the same age, or even so younger than me.

His name was Robert Artois.

I will never forget the cold stare of fear that he gave me that day, the stare of someone who has lost everything. It broke me.

It made me defiant. I said to him to run as far away as possible, to start a new life. That I wasn't going to shoot him.

Instead, I shot the floor of the limo. Fooling my father, and sparing a life.

If I could meet Robert who would now be a teenager like me, I would apologize for everything that my father put him through that day. But that would be impossible, Robert was reported dead that day. Even though I know the truth that he is still alive and out there, nobody has seen or heard from him since.

But before his death Jules must have given Robert that document. With an order to raid my family's compound, but after the murders... Permission was passed to eliminate using brute force.

He must have given it to the police and went into hiding.

The raid happened, I was the only survivor. Shot, hospitalized... but alive.

I never wanted to destroy, I wanted to create.

That is my stance, as an artist.

The police investigation cleared me of any felony charges. But it would be a problem to my safety to let me back into society.

I legally changed my name from Dante Nero to Maxwell Negrini.

As the sole survivor of my family, half of the wealth was distributed into an emergency fund for me to use. The other half was payed for damage control.

I could then finally start a new life, away from all of that mess.

I resent calling out Mackenzie for using blonde hair dye. My own insecurities of changing my appearance from dark haired to blonde slipped out there.

And I even had to stop wearing glasses, I now use these crystal blue contact lenses to hide my ruby colored eyes.

If anyone in this city saw my eyes, they would instantly recognize my family genetics and notice me as some son of a criminal as evil as the devil. They would reffer to me as some Antichrist again... And life as I know it would come to an end.


Who knows what the future holds, maybe my friendship with Nikki will last a lifetime. Maybe I will become true friends with Brandon after all. They seemed to forgive me, even after the horrible thing that I did.

I was stupid to agree with Mackenzie's plan, I was worried that Brandon had the upper hand. That's why I was foolish enough to knock him down.

They actually forgave me for my part in Mackenzie's plan?

Do they... care about me?

Just maybe, I'm not as alone as I think I am.

And instead of granting someone else's wish...

...maybe I have just granted my own.

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