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Brandon's Journal:

Everything is finally going to plan, I actually have a chance to fix things between us after all.

I talked to Marcus and he talked to Chloe who then talked to Nikki and convinced her to go to the dance.

Now I can finally make things right between us.

Because Negrini had some sort of underhanded plan, but now I have a plan of my own.

I can just explain what happened with Mackenzie to her tomorrow and ask her if she's going to the dance with anyone.

I know that it's girls ask the guys, so I can just hope that she will ask me. I'll even if I explain how much of a scumbag Maxwell Negrini truly is.

Surely she will listen to me, or at least give me some sort of chance to explain myself.

And besides it's not like she's agreed to go to the Final Dance with anybody, right?

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