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Nikki's Diary:

Since it's Friday the 13th it doesn't surprise me that I would be struck with bad luck.

Because I had thought that someone had finally had enough of harrassing me, but I was wrong.

MACKENZIE HOLLISTER, the girl who destroyed my most prized possession had decided to confront me.

"Maxwell, I want to make it clear. You better stay away from Brandon, because there is no doubt that he's going to take ME to the final dance and leave you in the dirt like the pig that you are."

*Sigh* she seems completely oblivious to my current situation.

"Whatever Mackenzie..." I said as I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"Wait a minute... That diary has your name on it. EVERYBODY GET A LOAD OF THIS!"

Oh no, I really didn't need this kind of drama today...

"Now I have your attention, I will now prove that Nikki STOLE my diary and destroyed it. Take a look at the diary that she has in her hands. It says Nikki doesn't it? THIS was her diary all along, meanwhile she thought it would be funny to eviscerate mine!" she yelled so that the ENTIRE school could hear.

"Mackenzie... I RECEIVED THIS DIARY AFTER YOU DESTROYED MINE!" I argued back. Hey I was telling the truth, I'm not a thief OR a vandal.

"Yeah right, then why did 'your' old diary have this in?!" She yelled as she held up what looked like to be an old page from my old diary. This wasn't any old page however, this was a page that she had written during the time she STOLE my diary. Therefore it had her handwriting on it instead of mine. That manipulative witch had grabbed a page as she ran away from me during my old diary's death.

"READ IT AND WEEP! Nikki Maxwell is a thief!"

Everyone seemed to be taking her side again.

"Who knows what she has taken from all of us!" some girl yelled.

"Let's break into her locker and see for ourselves!" some guy yelled.

It seemed pretty hopeless since I was now the vicim in a WITCH HUNT!

But I'm not the real witch here... MACKENZIE IS!

I knew that there was nowhere to go, they were going to break into my locker.

"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! Now let's show this little pest why she will never be on MY level!"

"You're right, she will never be on your level." said...



This was it, everyone had finally turned against me. I knew it was a bad idea to change my mind and to stay here, I should just call my Dad and have him transfer me to somewhere far away from everyone so I CAN START A NEW LIFE!!!

"You talk some sense, Negrini is it?"

"Correct, that is my last name. And thank you for acknowledging that yes, Nikki will never be on the same level as you."


I felt like I was going to throw up, how could he betray me?!

"Because she will never be on your level...

...she's way above it."

Wait... What?! So he wasn't betraying me?

The look on Mackenzie's face was completely PRICELESS!

"Who are you to say that?! And why are you defending her, do you have some sort of crush on her or something?"

"Who am I? Well there are many answers to that question, Acquaintance? Stranger? But in this situation I will say that I am your opponent in this little back and forth exchange of words. And as for the second question I will say that I'm putting a stop to your bullying."

"Bullying, me? Uh no way. Listen here Blondie, I don't care who you are or what rock you have been hiding under. Because ANYONE CAN SEE HOW MUCH OF A LIAR THIS GIRL IS!"

"Blondie... coming from you. Liar... coming from you. Because you have used those two insults, allow me to explain why you have lost this argument. You aren't really blonde are you?"

Her eyes widened.

"Uh, what are you talking about? Anyone can notice this natural blonde hair from any distance away."

"I can see the dark hair growing from beneath. Trust me, that shade isn't real... It's L'oreal."

She seemed stunned and continued to deny it.

"N...No...Besides I asked you a question. Do you have a crush on her or something?"

"That's for me to know and nobody else. You just changed the subject, maybe you're uncomfortable with the way I'm exposing you for the fraud that you are."


"There's no need to get aggressive now, you're just digging yourself a deeper hole."


"I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you ask yourself in the mirror EVERY day. You're in denial about your own insecurity, so instead you pass your self hatred onto others. In this scenario, Nikki Maxwell."


"Don't bother, there isn't a damn thing that you can do to save yourself...

...from yourself."

It was a sight to see, the queen bee of the CCPs beaten at her own verbal game.

"I...I...SHUT UP!" she yelled as she ran away. As usual, everyone followed her.

"You stood up for me, but why?"

"Someone had to knock her down a peg or two, besides. I couldn't bear to see you reduced to tears again."






"Thank you so much. For a second there I thought that you may have fell under her spell."

"What? And turn my back on you? No way, you have a hope that can overcome any despair. And besides I've never wanted to destroy, I've only ever wanted to create. That is my stance, as an artist."

He helped me up like the first time that we met, but I turned around and saw...


He just stood there wide eyed with a blank face like he had just seen a ghost.

I decided to walk away before I hurt him even more.

Have I done anything wrong?

Is this what he was worried about?

Have I crushed my crush?

I guess it's true... Brandon does have feelings for me all along.

But so does Maxwell, he just proved to me that he would be able to keep me safe from Mackenzie.

And with exactly ONE WEEK until the final dance...

...This only makes my decision even harder.


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