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Nikki's Diary:

I'm feeling TOTALLY better now, I couldn't be more happier that June is here!


June brings SUMMER!

Summer has to be my fav season of them all! My birthday, days at the beach, summer clothing, hot weather and also SUMMER VACATION!

As much as I've enjoyed summers in the past. This will be my FIRST summer since meeting all my friends.

I can't wait!

No more school! Just fun and sun and-

Wait...if summer vacation means no school... Then that means I can't see Brandon everyday.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't think I will be able to survive the ENTIRE summer without seeing him, I'll suffer from some serious crush withdrawal (if that's even a thing).

I must find some way to see him over the summer! Or he could...find someone else!

Hey, it could happen!

Don't call me paranoid but an entire season IS a long time.

Say, if Brandon only sees me as JUST a friend, then would he want to see me during the summer?

If I asked him "Hey since school is out, can I see you during the summer?" would I be coming across as weird or coming on too strong?

*Sigh* I don't know anymore. My mind has been stirred ever since Monday. I didn't get my confession and I met another boy who I could crush on.

Now, I don't know what to think anymore, is it wrong that I'm developing feelings for someone other than my crush?

Is that unfaithful?

On the bright side, if Brandon just thinks of me as a friend and nothing more, then it doesn't seem too bad...

Jumping to conclusions doesn't solve anything. There's no way to tell if Maxwell actually likes me.

Except I'm the only person he talks to at school.

And now my mom has barged into my room. One sec.




Okay, after that mother-daughter chat, I only feel MORE confused!

"Hey honey, enjoying that new diary I see." She said, barging into my private space.

"You bet." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Oh, is this your latest project? What a beautiful self-portrait!"

Self-portrait? I don't remember doing one of those.

"Are you sure? I don't know."

"Of course! Look, it's right here." She said as she handed me a VERY familiar piece of paper.

"Um, Mom... I didn't draw this."

"That's surprising, did someone draw this for you?"

"A friend."

"Wow, she must be very talented! Is it your friend Mackenzie?"

"My friend...Mackenzie?"

"Yes, just the other day I took Brianna over to Amanda's house for a playdate. Mackenzie said how great friends you are!"

WHAT?! Mackenzie has met my mom?!

I can just picture all of the embarrassing things she has said about me, like all of the bad things I did when I was 5 or showing my old baby photos off like any mom would do.

If she did this then my life is practically over... Actually, Mackenzie got her hands on my old diary and read it. So this couldn't be as bad as that.

I gritted my teeth through Mackenzie's lies.

"Mackenzie?! N-No mom, she didn't do this. It was... a guy."

But gritting my teeth only made me spill a HUGE secret

BIG mistake...

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHH A guy! What's his name? Is it that Brandon that I've heard so much about? I've heard you talking about him in your sleep before, you know."


I blushed and said "'t him."


"So it's another guy? WOW! My little princess is attracting some amazing young princes! What is his name? Please tell me, I won't leave until you say. You never tell me anything that happens at school."

I felt backed into a corner, resisting the urge to run away screaming 'HELP ME!'

Only being backed into a corner doesn't ALLOW you to do that!

To escape, I had to suck it up and tell her everything. No matter how embarrassing it may be.

"His name is Maxwell Negrini, but don't get the wrong idea. It's not like he likes me or anything."

"BOULDERDASH! Just look at this portrait he made for you! Only a boy with eyes for a girl can make something this detailed! Can we get this framed and display it in the living room?"

"Um, sure. But can I have that back for a sec?" I asked her.

"I can see that you like him too. Don't worry sweetheart, there's always room for another Maxwell in this family! Goodnight!"

After that last comment I could feel my entire face turn crimson red. When Mom left I took a closer look at Maxwell's drawing and then I looked in the mirror. I looked at the drawing again, then I looked back into the mirror. And repeat, and repeat.

She was right, this was a portrait of me. I had been so blind not to realize it sooner. It's...incredible, but is it true?

Mom said that only a boy who's interested in a girl can draw her in this detail.

So, does Maxwell have feelings for me?

I'm so confused...

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