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Maxwell's Journal:

































































...I'm in love with Brandon...

...I have been for a long, long time. Even before I met you. You are such an amazing guy and I know that you will make a lucky woman very happy one day. Thank you so much for everything, I'll be sure to pay you back for everything you paid for." she said to me.

"I understand, thank you for being honest. And don't worry about the money, think of it as a gift from someone you can consider as a best friend. If you don't mind I would like to have a chat with Brandon outside if that's okay." I said to her.

"That's okay, I'll see you guys in a sec." Nikki said as she walked back to the table to her friends.

I walked outside with Brandon and before I could even say anything... He hugged me. It seems like I'm some sort of hugging magnet tonight.

"Thank you so much, this is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me. Maxwell, I will NEVER forget your kindness. I will be forever grateful that YOU were the one who brought Me and Nikki together, you even gave up your chance to be with her." he thanked me.

"You're very welcome... Brandon. I guess that what I said to you was true, all that you needed was that little push to get together with her. You aren't the guy that I thought you were and for that... I'm just... I'M SO SORRY FOR EVERYTHING." I apologized.

"It's fine man, don't worry. You are the one who pushed me to confess, besides it felt pretty good to have you as a rival." he said.

"No, that's not it. I made a deal with Mackenzie Hollister, and for that I don't think I could ever be friends with you guys. A constant cloud of guilt has shrouded me since Tuesday and she told me that if... If I didn't follow her plans and place that note in Nikki's locker then......She would use a page of Nikki's diary to expose her secret to the entire school. And I couldn't let that happen, I was willing to throw you under the bus so that she wouldn't be harmed. I thought that you would instantly move onto Mackenzie since Nikki would be out of your picture and I would be with her. Two couples, nobody gets hurt. But all it did was hurt you guys."

I braced for the backlash that I was about to receive, I deserve it for making such a mess out of everything.

"So, it was you who placed that note in her locker. And I now see that you had your reasons, I probably would have done the exact same thing if I was in your shoes. All that it shows is that you care A LOT about Nikki. And I respect anyone who does that, so Maxwell Negrini...

...I forgive you and you have earned my respect too."

This was unreal, I thought that I was about to be the recipient of some major backlash. Instead I was forgiven, anyone would have told me straight. But not Roberts, that's not the kind of man he is. Since I had been hugged several times tonight, I decided to give one back. I hugged him and thanked him for his forgiveness.

"However, I'll say one last thing. Don't take offence to this but I'll be watching you guys, and you better take good care of her. Or else I'll have to intervene to straighten things out, got that? I've got my eye on you." I told him straight.

"I understand, this opportunity that you have given me will not be thrown away." he replied with determination.

"Good." I handed him my Final Dance ticket. "Now go to her and enjoy yourselves. Make this a night to remember." I said as I started to leave.

"WAIT! Aren't you joining us inside? It's the Final Dance, it's supposed to be a great party. It will be even greater if you're there with all of us." he asked me.

It felt strange to have someone actually show concern for me, for once in my life.

"I appreciate the offer, but my place has been filled by you. I'll see you around, good luck. Ciao Brandon." I said as I walked away from the dance, alone.

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