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Sometimes it may look like I have a Mom that will do everything in her power to EMBARRASS me as much as humanly possible, but I'd like to announce that as of today...

...I have the BEST MOM EVER!

When I got home she clearly saw I was upset. When she asked me what was wrong, I told her all about how some vicious animal attacked me and destroyed my diary.

Well, thinking about it, that's not far from the truth. I'm not wrong, right?

"Oh my poor baby... At least you came out of the attack unharmed."

Yeah right, maybe I was physically unharmed but mentally... I WAS A TRAIN WRECK!

"But let me tell you something Nikki. I remember you receiving that diary and I told you that how attending your new school would be a 'stressful time of tremendous personal growth' and I am proud to say that I have never been more right in my entire life. I have watched you grow over the past 9 months into an amazing young woman and I believe that your diary played a huge role in that process. Now, all I want is for you to continue that growth."

Usually I zone out during Mom's speeches about how I'm growing up or whatever, but this speech really spoke to me. Maybe I didn't need a diary to grow and develop, maybe my diary taught me all of these lessons and I can now continue on my own.

Just maybe I don't have to write about my life stories anymore?

Maybe I can just live my life without writing everything in a book?


That's what I MAY HAVE thought until I received...


"I was saving this for your 15th birthday Nikki but I thought that now would be the perfect time to give you this." Mom said. I then gave her one of the BIGGEST hugs ever given!

This diary looked absolutely STUNNING!

It was wrapped in Periwinkle blue (My favorite color!) leather. It also had my name 'NIKKI' engraved in golden metallic writing (So now everyone can see that this is MY diary.). But one of the best features was that on the front of this diary was a golden metallic lock that matched the writing's color perfectly.

"Um, Mom? It's locked. Did this diary come with a key?" I asked her.

"Whoops, sorry I almost forgot. Here you go Nikki dear, the key to your new diary." She said as she handed me a miniature heart shaped key. I then inserted this key into the lock and then opened my new diary. OMG, this paper was some high quality stuff (An artist knows her paper trust me) and it feels like it would withstand two, maybe THREE Mackenzie attacks. I was then told that this key that I had was the only one and was irreplaceable. So I had to keep it somewhere safe. And since wherever I am I carry my diary around with me I knew that I would need to have the key with me. But since I am terrible at keeping things from going missing, I decided to use my skills in arts and crafts (and slight inspiration from... someone) to create something. That something being...


I then tried it on for the first time ever and it looked super cute. SQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, that's right! I didn't get the chance to finish my diary entry yesterday. Well, here's what happened next...

I fell to my knees and started crying in a pile of my own memories.

I thought that I had lost everything, until...

"Are you okay there?" I heard a voice say.


Oh just great...

...WHY CAN'T I CATCH A BREAK?! First I ran out of paper yesterday, and now Brianna wants to interrupt me?!

This entry will have to continue tomorrow. And believe me, this is pretty big and I'd prefer to write it in detail rather than having an annoying six year old disrupting me.

I say pretty big, but it could be HUGE. So I need the time to collect my thoughts and write them in detail.

I'm pretty sure that you would do the same thing, diaries are serious sometimes.

I'm just saying!

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