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Nikki's Diary:

So, as you know by now... My BFFs ordered me to meet me in the Janitor's closet at 12:30pm yesterday. Which is kinda convenient, considering that I was planning on asking for THEM to meet me there at lunch.

I entered the small room to see two BFFs with their arms folded. And all they needed were three words to express their moods.

"Who. Is. He?"

So, I felt a little cornered and I knew that I had to explain to them WHO Maxwell was (Well, what I knew about him so far that is). And I totally SUCK at explaining things so it took me like a whole minute which felt like a whole hour to think of what I could say.

"He's a friend of mine that I haven't been given the chance to introduce him to you yet. I was sick last week and never got the opportunity to talk to you. I was planning on asking you two to meet me here so I could talk to you about him."

"Nikki... Who. Is He?" they repeated.

"Oh, I guess I stammered an went off track there guys *awkward laughter*. His name is Maxwell Negrini and he recently transferred here. Apparently he made an impact during his time here taking part in the student exchange program." I further explained.

"What is he like? As a person?" Chloe asked.

"Well, he has been nothing but kind to me ever since I met him. Come to think of it, he doesn't have any other friends apart from me. He's also a great artist, like me. He keeps a journal, like me. Also he does look..."

"What ever happened to Brandon?" Zoey asked.


"You have spent the last 9 months, chasing that boy around. And now some new guy comes in and you're instantly drawn to him? Why? I thought that you and Brandon were supposed to make the perfect couple." Zoey explained.

Oh no... I have severely cornered myself here.

"I know, I have lost no feelings for Brandon. But he didn't confess to me during our time at Fuzzy Friends a week ago. I'm starting to think if he only likes me as a friend or not. But Maxwell seems to show an interest in me, he even sketched an amazing portrait of me. He is a nice guy, just please don't get the wrong idea here guys. I NEED you to support me through this Crush Crisis." I explained and BEGGED them for their full understanding.

They both rolled their eyes but Zoey stepped forward and said...

"Well, if he's as good to you as you say he is. Then who are we to complain if he makes you happy. But just remember..."

"...Brandon thinks the world of you. He has made it so blatantly obvious that he's in love with you that it's becoming a joke..." Chloe continued from where Zoey left off.

"...But if you want to go crushing on some guy who you've just met. Go ahead, we'll support you with either decision that you make." Zoey did the same.

"Thanks guys, if you get the chance... Talk to him, see for yourself." I said.



Later that night:

I remember finishing my phone conversation with Maxwell, he seems pretty knowledgeable on our current arts topic of 'People'. He even explained a few techniques that will make drawing portraits all the more easier for me.

Then once we had finished we stayed up talking about all sorts like what this year has been like for me at WCD. It's pretty interesting to talk to a new student, considering that I MYSELF was one in September.

I couldn't sleep that night, I couldn't help but think about what Chloe said.

"Brandon thinks the world of you. He has made it so blatantly obvious that he's in love with you that it's becoming a joke."

And yet here I was talking to another guy who seems into me.

It's enough to make my head spin.

I've known Brandon for nine months and we have shared many great moments together. Yet Maxwell seems to have more in common with me and we have become such good friends in such a short amount of time.

It's given me two questions.

1. Have these last 9 months built up to me and Brandon finally getting together?"


2. Have I just met the guy I was destined to be with?



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