MONDAY MAY 26TH (Nikki):

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Nikki's Diary:


And you know what that means?


Well, of course but I was thinking more about Fuzzy Friends WITH BRANDON!


Today I was hanging around during my job as an LSA with my BFFs Chloe and Zoey. We spent the first half talking about my meeting after school.

"OMG! What if he's planning on asking you out?!" Squealed Chloe. She's such a romantic.

"We just KNOW it's any day now. Something's gotta give sooner or later. The two of you are perfect together!" Gushed Zoey.

"Relax, I'm sure that it's just our average-normal visit. As much as I want him to ask me out I doubt that it will ever happen, today or otherwise. Sure, maybe he does like me. But I have this aching feeling that he will be swayed by Mackenzie."

They both looked at me like I was some idiot.

"Really?!" they both asked me. I felt like I had just trapped myself in a corner.

"Nikki, just OPEN your eyes. He clearly has feelings for you and he definitely DOESN'T have feelings for that drama queen." Zoey said.

"Yeah, because if he didn't then he wouldn't have helped you win the Avant-Garde contest." Said Chloe.

"And he wouldn't have invited you to the Halloween dance."

"And he wouldn't have joined our band."

"And he wouldn't of given you those flowers or skated with you after the 'Holiday on ice' event."

"And he wouldn't have invited you to his party."

"And he wouldn't have accepted your invite to the sweetheart dance."

"And he even wouldn't have actually KISSED you at the listening party."

"OKAY I GET IT!" I finally snapped. "So he may have shown that he has feelings for me. But he hasn't admitted it outright by asking me out. I sort of believe that the guy should make the first move and he hasn't done that yet. Sure he MIGHT do that tonight but if he doesn't, then when? Like you said, Zoey, something's gotta give. A girl can't wait forever. If he truly does have feelings for me, then wouldn't he have made the first move by now?"

*Sigh* "Okay Nikki." They both said perfectly in sync as usual, as though they've rehearsed this before (Or they've said it way too many times to me that it has become a hobby).

"Hey, what day is today?" asked Chloe.

"It's Monday, I thought that would be obvious." Replied Zoey, sarcastically.

"OMG! I totally forgot, I have a dentist appointment to get my braces checked up!" Yelled Chloe as she ran for it.

"And I have to finish an assignment so I'd prefer to get an early start on it. Sorry if it seems like we're leaving you all of a sudden Nikki. We've taken care of most of the work, so there isn't too much of a burden left for you." Said Zoey as she left too.

And so I was all alone, I took care of the final few books that needed shelving but I spotted one about art and thought that it would be an interesting read. Who knows, maybe I'll learn something useful for my next art piece?

With 30 mins left until I meet Brandon, I had time to kill through reading.

So, I took the book, sat down at the front desk and read.

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