Chapter 1 - Wolf Moon

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Shutting off the kitchen light I begrudgingly pad my way over to the stairs to finally head to bed-- first day of Sophomore year tomorrow yay

Water bottle in hand I'm taking the first few steps onto the stairs when Scott comes barreling down them, ultimately scaring the bejesus out of me.

My twin brother, everyone, stands before me holding a bat in what I can only describe as the stance you'd make before playing a riveting game of whack-a-mole when you're seven.

Placing my hand on my chest, and silently telling my erratic heart we escaped the danger, I look from the bat to my brother "What the hell are you doing, Scotty- and for the love of baseball could you put the bat down?"

Scott stares at me with a bewildered expression before looking at said bat and not only doesn't put it down, he instead grips it tighter seriously?

He looks back at me and stresses "Addy, get behind me- I think someone is trying to break in."

"Why would you think that?" I question, earning him to release an aggravated huff as he moves his eyes from me and over to the front door "Addy seriously, get behind me."

"For fucks sake fine, I'm going." I grumble while awkwardly trying to move behind my overprotective and older, by forty-five never lets me forget them seconds, brother on the stairs.

Scott starts towards the front door like he's going into battle, and I can't help but let out a grateful chuckle under my breath at the adorable goofball as I quietly follow behind him.

Opening the door he looks over his shoulder and throws me a look when he takes notice of the fact that I have zero intention of not not being a witness to this potential burglar beat down.

He rolls his eyes and once more sends me a look that without question screams "shush". Throwing him a bone I nod back as seriously as I can and together we walk out onto the front porch.

As soon as my foot steps onto the porch and into the quiet dark evening, I'm instantly on alert. I quickly move my eyes around us, taking in every moving shadow and mentally trying to prepare for a threat which is comical since I have zero self-defense skills under my belt

Scott takes a few steps forward before he's spinning around to face me, bat raised up and ready to strike as he looks behind us. I keep my eyes on his face, as to judge when my flight instinct needs to be tapped into the situation, and let out a relieved breath when he nods once indicating it's clear and spins back around.

We circle around the right side of the house, Scott looking to the right while I look behind us, when we hear a rustling coming from the bushes lining the lawn and we both freeze our steps. 

I share a look with Scotty a few seconds before for the second time in five minutes I'm scared shitless by a figure coming towards my face only this time the screams of three people fill my ears as I notice said figure hanging from the damn roof

Immediately recognizing the owner of the third voice, although he's upside down, I let out one more scream as I jump on my feet and turn to the side, trying to shake the adrenaline that's quickly taking over my body.

Also becoming aware the upside down screaming non-intruder is actually our best friend, Scott makes a noise and incredulously exclaims "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Neither of you were answering your phones!" Stiles shouts back with just as much attitude, throwing his hands about to elaborate his words. He pauses for half a second, his eyes moving from us to Scott's hands with his next question "Why do you have a bat?"

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