Chapter 59 - A Promise to the Dead

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It's pouring down rain, I know my clothes are drenched and can feel my hair sticking to my face and arms, however, none of it matters– I know I have to keep walking.

This is a new feeling, it's almost like a trance.

An out of body experience as I make my way down the sidewalk, feeling the ice cold rain as it pelts every inch of my skin not covered by my clothes.

My bare feet should be freezing, my arms without a jacket should be freezing– but they aren't.

All of my focus is centered on getting to the building up ahead.

The loft.

I have to see him.

I have to warn him, I have to warn everyone.

I open the door to the lobby and turn to head up the stairs, each step solidifying the almost suffocating feeling of impending death.

Getting to the top floor, I walk up to one side of the door.

My nerves are set on fire as I run my hand along the door as I make my way to the side of the door that opens.

I'm just making it to the end when the door to the loft slides open with such force it takes me a moment to recognize the shadow covered figures on the other side.

Derek and Braedon quickly cock their guns and point them my direction.

Quickly recognition flashes across their features and they lower their weapons to their sides.

Derek opens his mouth to say something, however I have to calm the noise.

I need peace from the overwhelming feeling running through my veins.

I don't give him a second to speak before I take a deep breath and shake the walls with the scream that silences every voice telling me I'm about to lose another friend I can't imagine losing.


I let out a deep gasp of breath, moving my eyes around as I quickly take in my surroundings.

Derek is right in front of me, hands on my biceps as he moves his worried eyes between mine.

Braedon is standing behind him, brows drawn in as he continues with his effort to get through to me.

"Addy!" he bellows and shakes my arms again before I take a deep breath in and set my hands on his outstretched forearms.

I swallow thickly and croak out "Derek? What– what the hell am I doing here?"

Braedon makes a noise and steps up next to us "Addy, you don't know–"

"She's okay, come here you're freezing," Derek sets his arm around my back and walks me over to the couch, grabbing a blanket off the side and draping it over my back.

He walks in front of the couch and kneels in front of me, the look of worry deepening by the second.

He makes a noise and tilts his head to the side slightly "Addy, has this ever happened before?"

I shake my head and drop my eyes to my lap as I grasp the blanket in both of my hands tighter and answer him "Being so deep in a trance that I walk barefoot three miles in the pouring rain to scream my head off in the middle of the night? Not so much"

Derek chuckles lightly, but I move my worried eyes up from my lap to connect with his "Der–"

"I called Stiles, he's almost here" Derek interrupts my words with a throat clear as he stands up and heads over to the table to check his phone.

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