Chapter 74 - The Sword & the Spirit

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Stiles POV

Dad had called, interrupting my pacing steps around my room as I try to come up with a plan to find Addy.

Apparently twenty three bodies were found underneath the tunnel Addy, Scott and I had found the other day at the Telecom communications towers.

So I called Scott letting him know to meet me at the hospital and I'm walking up to the front doors at the same time as him and Kira. We head inside and climb onto the elevator, letting the silence settle over us as we lower onto the morgue level.

The elevator doors open and we walk out immediately seeing gurney after gurney hauling black body bags down the hall behind dad.

I walk up to him with my immediate question "Who found them?"

Dad looks over his shoulder, answering as he turns towards us "Argent– and he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is" he states and looks expectantly at us.

"We've got a theory." Scott answers before I quickly elaborate "It's a slightly terrifying theory."

"Well, the medical examiner said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels" Dad states and Scott offers thoughtfully "Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies."

"Why would they do that?" Kira questions before I nod my head to the side to continue with Scott's thought process "Maybe they're covering for it– protecting it like a parent would."

"Protecting what?" Dad stresses, trying to hold onto his level of calm he surprisingly has going on.

"A werewolf." Scott answers before Kira clarifies "It's called the Beast."

"We know– horrifying" I quip and start to fidget on my feet, wanting to ask dad the status of the last thing I asked him to look into as soon as we got home earlier. I scratch the side of my jaw opening my mouth to ask just that, however dad stops me with his added thought "We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish– because it looks like his dream is coming true."

I make a noise and lift my hand off of the side of my face "ah– speaking of people predicting death, can we go get Addy yet?"

Dad looks hesitant, flitting his eyes between me and Scott before he sighs, the noise directly punching me in the gut before I even hear what he's going to say "Guys, my hands are tied at the moment–"

"What because of the bodies?" I interrupt quickly before I make a noise and continue with a raise of my hand, indicating behind him "Horrible, truly horrible dad. But this is Addy, okay Addy. She needs to be as far away from that place as soon as possible, preferably as in yesterday."

Dad furrows his brows and shakes his head quickly "Hey, I know that. I want her out of there as much as you do, all right? This has nothing to do with those bodies, this has everything to do with the fact that there is zero record of her being there. She never signed in for me to be able to argue that she never signed out. I can't ask for a search warrant without something other than your word she was going there to back it up."

I set my hands on my waist and shrug as I quickly offer "Track her phone, or–"

"I did, it's dead or something because there's no signal" Dad states before I scrunch my face up with my frustration, grasping for straws with what to do next "What about the text message she sent me that she was there?"

Dad nods and shares a look with all of us as he informs "Her text message pinged a nearby cell tower which does put her in that area however it doesn't prove that she went into that building and stayed there."

It's Always Been You || Stiles StilinskiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz