Chapter 5 - The Tell

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Another night at work is going by at the slowest pace ever since it's a weeknight.

My co-worker for the evening opted to change the few lights that are flickering around the store while I reorganize the returns back onto the shelves.

Getting my pile ready to head onto the floor I hear the door open and a few seconds pass by before I hear "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?"

"Hello is anybody working here?"

Turning around the corner and setting my pile on the counter I see Jackson ugh kill me now

I roll my eyes and head over to him "doesn't exactly seem like your type of movie Whitmore, color me shocked."

He rolls his eyes and does his best bitch face "McCall, just help me find it so I can leave already."

I roll my eyes and turn to go down the aisle where his obvious favorite movie is waiting.

Grabbing it, I head back to him reaching it towards him. His focus, however, is on the floor in front of him so I wave the movie case around trying to gain his attention "Dude, what are you doing?"

He swallows "Addy, was someone else in here before me?"

Dropping my arm with the movie to my side I'm taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor "What? I-well no, just Steve who's changing the lights" I turn and see the empty ladder "I don't know where he is now though, why?"

"Stay here."

"What the hell are you talking about"

He just walks past me going up the main aisle, I step out of the side aisle I'm in and see him walking slowly towards the back of the store where the ladder is at, I look at the floor and oh fuck me, really?
"Jackson?" my voice shakes as I pray to whoever the fuck is out there that this is not the way I die.

In a fucking video store.

With Jackson Whitmore being the last person I ever see.

Fully registering what he's seeing he backs up and hits the ladder knocking the light that was dangling down and making all the lights in the store go out and start flickering naturally

I walk towards him, though he tries to stop me by holding out his hand "Addy, don't" I ignore his protest and go to help him up but not before my wandering eyes see a very dead Steve to our left why did I agree to cover Brenda's shift tonight?

Standing him up and beginning the scared heavy breathing, we hear a growl coming from the front of the store not happening, no

Jackson turns around in the aisle and gasps making his breathing increase, so I'm taking a hard pass at looking at what I can only guess by the growl is something I do not want to see.

Jackson reaches to push me down behind the shelf as he jumps across the aisle to hide behind the other row. Both panting and looking at each other he puts a finger to his mouth signaling me to be quiet obviously

Whatever is back behind us shakes the shelves on Jackson's side causing them to hit each other and knock down movies all around him.

Just as Jackson leans over and attempts to look down the aisle there is a loud thud and then the shelves bang together as the domino affect knocks them down one by one until they are coming closer to him. He attempts to jump out of the way but doesn't land far enough in the aisle and the shelf crushes his upper thighs

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