Chapter 90 - Radio Silence

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Stiles POV

Breathing a sharp deep breath in, the trance I was in is broken instantly. I take in my surroundings, seeing that I'm sitting on a bench in a train station.

Remembering the Ghost Riders, I figure this place is where you're taken to after they grab you.

Everyone is sitting, quietly– too quiet if I'm being honest. No one is moving or fidgeting, they're all just sitting and staring forward.

The station is cold, dark, grey and has no life in it– even with all of these people sitting on the rows and rows of benches around me.

I start to move my gaze around the people near me, the memories of the night I was taken slamming to the forefront of my mind and I close my eyes tightly. I can just make out Addy's tear stricken face, the fear in her eyes as I'm pulled away from her and the warmth of her hand fades from mine.

Feeling a lump in my throat I push those memories back, opening my eyes and clearing my throat as I scoot further back in my seat.

There's a ticket counter up ahead in front of the rows, however no one is sitting in it and there's a sign that reads 'Back in 5 minutes'.

I can't remember how long I've been sitting here, or even why I'm sitting here, those facts causing me to fidget.

I run my hands over my jean clad thighs, hearing a metal clink of the keys to Roscoe clutched tightly in my right hand.

Seeing a woman in a doctor's white coat and scrubs sitting next to me, I clear my throat and lift my hand towards her to gain her attention "Excuse me, sorry– where are we?"

"We're at the train station." She says like I'm the moron who couldn't figure that out.

I make a face, tilting my head to the side slightly "Right– okay, helpful. Which train station exactly?"

She turns her head away from me, looking over towards the wall with a marquee board with different cities on it and apparently the info about the train station she is searching for.

"Train station number one thirty seven." She says before she turns away and sits forward again, seemingly okay with that as an acceptable answer.

I, however, am not okay with that answer and I need more information "Did you see me come in?"

She looks back over, shaking her head with her answer "No..."

"How long have you been here?" I question, trying a different approach to a time table for her. She makes a face, shrugging her shoulder as she comes up with "Maybe an hour?"

The guy sitting next to her chimes into our conversation from behind his newspaper "We got here at the same time– it's been at least six hours."

Confused by that, I sit closer to the edge of my seat as I clarify "Six hours? Where are you going?"

The doctor goes to answer, however she looks even more confused by that question.

She has absolutely no idea where she's going and starts to pat her pockets "Uh... uh, I had a ticket with me somewhere, um..."

I make a noise and point towards her doctor uniform "You always travel in your work clothes?"

"I must have been in a rush..." She offers, looking down to her clothes and over towards me with her furrowed brows looking even more confused.

Yeah I've had enough of this confusing vague answer bullshit.

I stand up from my seat, quickly walking up the aisle and towards the ticket counter. I take notice of the sign again and know that we've all been here way longer than the five minutes this sign is stating.

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