Chapter 86 - Memory Lost

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"Oh boy" I mumble as I take a step out of sight against the side of the ambulance and walk over to stand next to Scott. We watch as the paramedic is almost finished wrapping a brace around Stiles' fingers and wrist.

"He looking at the van?" Stiles flicks his eyes over to me and I grimace, offering him a nod "Yeah, he's umm– inspecting the hood right now" the hood with Scott's claw marks etched into the hood– yea it's been that kind of night

Stiles groans and tilts his head backwards a bit with my words for what we're in store for when Noah makes his way over to us.

We are currently at a now crime scene– that we may or may not have created we most definitely created it

In our effort to get the guy of the transport van to pull over until we waited for the cops to get here to search the back– the guy ended up crashing, earning Stiles to swerve in order to miss the van and in return the guy flew the scene while we figured out Stiles had hurt his hand.

The paramedic is done and walks back towards his ambulance at the same time Noah walks up behind us, exasperated as all hell when he looks at us "What in the hell were you three thinking?"

"We were just trying to help" I chuckle out nervously, though it sounds more like a question than a statement.

Noah snorts and shakes his head towards us "Why don't you try and help me understand..." he drops his voice into a rushed whisper as he continues "...what the hell happened here?!"

Stiles nods "Right, well, we were trying to gently persuade him to pull over..."

I scrunch my mouth to the side, remembering exactly what 'gently persuade' meant Scott was Alpha'd out on the dude's hood, roaring and slashing at the van until he crashed over against the side of the road

Noah doesn't look like he believes that in the slightest and he looks over to us. Scott grimaces, sheepishly drawing out "He was getting away..."

Noah narrows his eyes towards us and walks around us, grumbling humorlessly "He got away."

"Right– because obviously he's some sort of criminal mastermind, Dad." Stiles turns and we all follow Noah to the back of the van as he continues "Uh-huh. You want to guess what the stolen merchandise is?"

Noah opens the back door of the van, turning around to look at the three of us expectantly "Hmm?"

"Critical life saving medical equipment?" Stiles offers as I close my eyes briefly at seeing all the canisters in the back of the van.

I squint my eyes open, watching Noah point to his son with his answer "No" before Stiles tries again "Poison gas?"


"Filled with drugs?" Stiles offers thoughtfully until Noah finally fills us in on the answer "Helium."

"Helium?" Stiles sing songs incredulously and I drop my head forward in shame.

Noah ushers us off on our way, the three of us climbing into Roscoe with Scott choosing to drive.

I get settled in the back seat, leaning forward to rest my elbows on either of the back of their seats, crossing my arms in front of me.

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