Chapter 41 - Silverfinger

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I had let Stiles know I would find Scott so we could fill him in on everything we found this morning in the Chemistry room.

Getting back to school after going home to get changed, and not finding Scott there, I see him just as he's pulling into the parking lot to park his bike, with the twins pulling up and parking on either side of him.

They take their helmets off and share a few words as I get closer to them, "Scott!"

He turns to look at me before Ethan says something and I hear Aiden respond with "You mean the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests and completely kicked our asses?" I should probably be paying attention to that

"Yeah. Those demonic ninjas" Ethan clarifies as I come to a stop in front of Scott's bike "Where the hell have you been, why weren't you at home and why haven't you been answering your phone?"

He grimaces and sets his helmet on his seat "It died when we were at the party and I took Kira home, so I didn't have a chance to charge it– or go home myself actually."

Total confusion overcomes my entire face as I fully register what the twins were saying before I walked up "Okay, fair enough– also real quick, what the actual fuck are demonic ninjas?"

Ethan turns to me "Whatever their proper name is they attacked Isaac two nights ago when you guys were dealing with Barrow. Then they attacked all of us last night at the loft– attacked in the sense that they left this–" he leans towards me and pulls his ear forward to show me a backwards five behind his ear as he continues "On Isaac, Derek, Aiden, Lydia, and obviously myself."

I gasp softly and move my shocked eyes to Scott who nods and replies through a sigh "Demonic ninjas is the best way to describe what we were fighting"

I uncross one of my arms and lift a hand out to him "Hold on– Derek's back?"

"Yes" Scott mutters already knowing I'm not done with my questions that will aggravate him as I recap everything that was said in the last thirty seconds.

"And you fought off demonic ninjas at the party last night?"

"Party was over, but yes" Scott relents before I continue with a furrow of my brows "And ninja boys left a shitty backwards five tattoo on everyone minus Scott?"

Scott sighs, rubbing the side of his face as he stresses "Addy, yes–"

I point towards him "Ba-ba-bup don't get frustrated with me, pal. I've had zero sleep and I'm still wrapping my mind around the fact that Derek's suddenly back, and demonic ninjas are a thing of the actual human life we're occupying and not the villain of a Jackie Chan gets magical powers movie."

Ethan snorts and smirks back towards Scott who shakes his head towards me, and tries not to laugh himself "Sorry, yes everything you said actually happened. We fought them off though and I don't need anyone to protect me" he finishes, directing the last words at the twins.

Aiden shakes his head "They were looking right at you when the sun came up."

"And they also disappeared." Scott states growing impatient now.

I make a noise gaining their attention "Hold on– so they went after all the wolves plus Lydia– so that's everyone with supernatural ties."

Aiden nods and looks at me "Minus you and Scott– which is why you both need to be protected. We think they're going to come back for you guys."

Scott shakes his head "Argent thinks that they could just come out at night. Him, Allison, and Isaac are going to look into meeting with someone who may know what they are, what they want and how to stop them."

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