Chapter 88 - Sundowning

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Scott and I meet Lydia at the library, beginning our research hour to see if we can find anything online about the word I hypnotically wrote last night.

Typing 'Stiles' into the search bar gets us exactly one result and it isn't even the full word

I close my eyes on a huff as Scott reads our search finding out loud "'Stile: an arrangement of steps that allows people but not animals, to climb over a fence'." well holy shit, look no further we figured it out

Slowly I open my eyes, looking between both of them with my doubtful look as I mutter "Yeah, somehow I don't think this is the 'Stiles' we're looking for."

Scott shrugs and offers a hopeful look "Maybe Malia has found something."

Lydia shakes her head as she fills in "No– she's making up a test today with my mom."

I groan in frustration, setting my elbows on the table and rubbing my hands over my face.

Lydia sets her hand on my back, offering her comfort and moving her hand in small circles as she reassures "We're going to figure this out."

Taking a deep breath in, I drop my hands back onto the table and nod with her words. I smile softly as I look over to her "Yeah, I just don't even know where to start. We have nothing but a word, that could possibly be a name and–"

Hayden rushes up to the table, stopping my words as I take in the concern on her face "Hey guys–"

We all look at her offering our hellos before she continues "I don't know if this is something but I think I may have another possible Wild Hunt victim. You guys know Gwen from your grade?"

I offer her a nod with the recognition "Yeah, she's in our history class"

Lydia nods as well and Hayden goes on "She was just in the locker room talking about her apparent sister that no one remembers– myself included. Her sister Phoebe is missing and the school doesn't remember her and all of her stuff from her room is missing."

I make a noise and sit closer to the table as I agree "All right, well everything else is adding up except the fact that Gwen remembers her"

Hayden nods "I know– I don't know if it's related but I thought you guys should know. I'm going to go and see if she'll talk to me more about it"

Scott agrees instantly "Yeah, see if she can remember anything else that happened before her sister went missing"

Hayden starts to walk away, promising to keep us updated as she heads out the side doors of the library.

I draw my brows together, deep in thought as I mutter my thoughts aloud just barely above a whisper "Maybe someone reported him missing..."

Scott flicks his gaze my way "Who?"

I lift my eyes up from the table, connecting my gaze with his as I stand up from the chair. I reach over and shove my laptop into my bag, shouldering it as I elaborate for him "Stiles. I just– maybe someone remembered him like Gwen remembers her sister and has reported him missing already."

Lydia stands up with me, shouldering her bag as she nods her head, agreeing with me instantly "Reported him before they were made to forget him"

I look between them as I offer with a hopeful shrug "It's possible right? No one at the Sheriff's station knows everyone in town, so there wouldn't be anyone there telling them they were crazy from not remembering someone like they would here at school"

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