Chapter 103 - Genotype

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Last night before we had left the woods near the Primal pack's lair, a beeping notification sounded from one of the bodies, which led Malia to find the phone it belonged to and we saw a voicemail alert.

We listened to the voicemail when we got home. It was a woman's voice begging whoever's phone it was to call her back and if not this woman was going to go up to the woods. Her final words were reminding the phone owner that this was the woman's pack too.

We couldn't recognize the voice so Scott went to the animal clinic to meet Liam, Mason and Theo.

The four of them are on figuring out duty for the day– first trying to see who the voice belongs to, which will hopefully lead us to figuring out who the other face of the second half of the Anuk-ite is, and second trying to figure out where Aaron is.

While the guys are working on that so we can keep the two halves apart, I head to the hospital with Malia to check on Lydia and also pay a visit to the morgue.

Lydia is still working on getting the doctor to release her, so Malia and I head into the morgue to meet her. Once the coast is clear we head inside and find the cubby where Halwyn's body is being kept.

We open the door to the cubby and slide the drawer out, unzipping the black body bag and taking in Halwyn looking just as he did when he was shot and killed by Monroe the bullet wound is still in the center of his head and the claw gashes are still covering his chest

"Well, it's still here. Still dead. What else were we supposed to do?" Malia ponders and I make a face as I fill in thoughtfully "We need to figure out how a Hellhound led me into the woods to find another faceless body while being technically dead."

Malia makes a face and clarifies "Technically?"

I breathe out deeply, moving my eyes from her and over Halwyn's face "I don't think I would have been led out there if he was fully dead."

"I don't think we should be hanging out here waiting for him to spring back to life," she rushes out and I shake my head quickly "We don't have to wait if we can figure out how he was able to reach me."

She makes a noise and her brows snap together "How do we do that?"

Nodding my head to the side, I look down to Halwyn as I state matter of factly "I'm just going to have to ask him."

Malia helps me roll over one of the steel autopsy tables, putting the end of the table right up against the end of the drawer Halwyn is laying on.

"Now what?" she asks and I look up from the table to her "Now I'm going to lie down on this side and hope that our heads being a few inches apart will be close enough for a connection."

I set my hands on the edge of the table, taking a deep breath in and readying myself to push up onto the table when Malia makes a noise and walks up "What are you doing, here..."

She grips behind my legs, careful of my thigh, and wraps her arm behind my back to help guide me onto the table, laying me back gently "You okay?"

I smile gratefully up to her and nod as I push my feet into the table to shift around "Yes, thank you muscles."

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