Chapter 55 - Weaponized

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"After entering the IP address, you will be connected through a dark net portal to an untraceable bank. Once logged in, enter your account number to receive wire transfers. The IP address will deactivate with each transfer. You will be assigned a new IP address if you choose to continue down the list. Remember, visual confirmation is always required for payment."

I reach over and stop the tape before setting my hands on the ground on either side of me and worriedly look over to Stiles seeing our names on a list was one thing, this is beyond terrifying now

He shakes his head as he looks between us "Either of you ever made a wire transfer?"

I shake my head when Scott voices "Never had enough money."

"So you didn't understand a word of that either?" Stiles offers and I huff out a frustrated breath as I stand up and start to pace in front of them "I don't understand any of this. Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?"

Stiles softens his face before he stands up and stops my pacing, setting his hands on my upper arms "Someone wants you guys dead, babe. Badly– whoa, whoa, what are you doing?" I look over to my left with his words now directed towards Scotty who is quickly putting the money back into the duffle bag.

Scott shrugs when he looks up towards us "It's late. We've got the PSATs in the morning."

Dropping his hands from me he turns more to face Scott with his argument "No, I meant the money– Five hundred thousand, you know how much money that is?"

"It's five hundred thousand–" Scott and I mutter like it's obvious we just spent all that time counting it together, earning Stiles to huff with a roll of his eyes as he counters back quickly "It's half a million dollars McCall twins. What are you going to do, Scott, just slide it under your mattress?"

Scott shares a look with me as I shrug a shoulder and he looks back to Stiles "I have to talk to Derek– the money's his."

"You mean his and Peter's." Stiles clarifies and I turn to look at him with a raised brow "What does that mean?"

Stiles flicks his eyes between our sharednraised brows and lifts his hands up to his sides slowly with his words "It means maybe we should proceed with caution."

I share a look with Scott before I turn back to Stiles "You seriously don't think we should tell Derek?"

"No. No." he lets out a sigh before he continues "No, of course we have to tell him. I'm just... I'm just saying, some of that money's Peter's, right?"

"Yeah." Scott and I stress, not really catching what he's meaning.

Stiles makes a face with our slow catch on to what he's saying and argues "Right? Peter. Homicidal killer? Remember? You guys want to give five hundred thousand to him?"

Scott furrows his brows as he tries to work out what he's saying "So we should give Derek his money back– but not Peter?"

"I didn't say that" Stiles counters quickly and Scott huffs as he looks over to his friend "Stiles, what are you saying?"

Stiles takes a second, raising his hand up to scratch the side of his head.

However he doesn't get a chance to tell us his thinking when we hear the slam of the front door.

Scott shares a wide eyed worried look with us before he slides forward and pushes the bag under his bed.

Quickly followed by me kneeling down to push the boombox as well before we're all standing up and turning towards the door just as it's swinging open.

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