Chapter 79 - The Beast of Beacon Hills

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Stiles and I help Scott get home where Kira meets us, taking over and getting him set upstairs into his bed.

I'm leaning against the doorframe with Stiles as Scott sighs and grabs a manila envelope on his nightstand with an application for a scholarship inside.

"I missed the deadline" he grumbles more to himself than any of us and I clear my throat with a little smirk "You did not, I filled them out for both of us while I was sitting in the hospital doing absolutely nothing."

Stiles chuckles and drops his crossed arms down to his sides, moving out into the hallway as Scott flicks his eyes up to me and softens them, letting out a relieved breath "Addy--"

I shake my head and push off the doorframe, reaching over to grab the door handle "It was nothing Scotty, rest up okay?"

He lifts up the sides of his mouth and nods once before I smile softly over to Kira and close the door to his bedroom.

Stiles sets his arm behind my back, resting his hand on my hip before we turn and walk down the hallway towards my room. We stop our steps, and I tilt my head to the side in question at seeing Braedon and Malia a few steps away from my door, looking at us expectantly.

Stiles looks between us as he stammers "What is it? What happened now?"

I chuckle and look from him and over to Braedon who nods at Malia "Tell them".

Malia huffs and looks over to us quickly as she rushes out "You know how my mother wants to kill me?"

I furrow my brows with this conversation started and at our nods Malia continues "I think she might want to kill you too"

She flicks her eyes to me with those words and I jerk back with my shock as Stiles makes a noise and points across his chest towards me "Okay, uh, that's disconcerting-- why the fuck would she want to kill her?"

Malia looks like she doesn't want to answer and Braedon knocks her shoulder into her, earning Malia to groan in frustration before she rambles out "Okay fine, look she knows you mean something to me, Addy... you're, you're my family but you're also my anchor. She picked up on that somehow after learning you were the reason she missed her chance to kill me the other night before Deaton finally warned her off. She said how poetic it would be, her coming after you, so I could know the pain of something important being taken from me, like I took her power from her, before she ultimately kills me."

Raising my brows, I scrunch my lips out forwards and nod slowly as I digest her words in the silence of the hallway. After a few seconds I make a noise and question softly "I'm really your anchor?"

Malia makes a face and nods like it's obvious "Yeah, I mean-- you said your anchor should be someone who makes me want to stay human and no one was there for me more than you."

I smile with her words while I step forward and wrap my arms around her "Fuck your mother is a bitch" I grumble earning Malia to snort, a small smile shining through before she lifts her head, connecting her eyes with mine as she nods once "I called her that exact thing earlier when she was preventing me from taking out the wires on the van"

I smile brightly at her "This is why we're best friends"

Stiles chuckles softly before he makes a noise and looks over to Braedon "Alright well I should probably have a gun"

Malia and I look towards Braedon who in return jerks her head back as she argues "I'm not giving you a gun."

Stiles scoffs and looks between the three of us as he counters "You have a gun. The Desert Wolf who is going to try to kill my girlfriend and myself since I'm not leaving her side, has a gun. I think I should probably have a fucking gun."

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