Chapter 8 - Lunatic

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3rd POV

Scott and Stiles make their way up a path at a campsite on the preserve, not at a terribly late hour, but night time all the same.

Addy had stayed home at the request from Stiles for a boys night. She was still a little shook up, rightfully so, from the Wednesday-Night School-Terror special, so being in the comfort and safety of her house was priority numero uno for the time being.

Said boys continue to walk past cabins, dodging puddles when Scott breaks the silence "Where are we going?"

"You'll see" Stiles' grunts out while jumping over a decent sized rock, continuing on the path to one of his favorite spots in the preserve.

Scott looks around nervously "'Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freakout from what happened at the school."

Stiles looks over his shoulder at his best friend "Well, your mom isn't the Sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me."

Thinking that over, Scott shakes his head and throws his arms out to his sides with his next question "Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here?"

Stiles huffs out a breath, enlightening to his brilliant plan "Yes. When your best friend gets dumped–"

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." Scott grumbles and glares at Stiles' back.

"All right, well, when your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break– You get your best friend drunk." Stiles declares and turns around holding a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand with a shit eating grin plastered on his face.

One successfully built bonfire and half of the bottle of Jack later– Stiles is definitely feeling the affects alcohol produces as he slams the bottle down a little too forcefully.

It doesn't break but it does catch Scott's attention from the tree line he was staring at. Looking down at his friend, Scott's having a hard time not being upset that even though they've been sharing the bottle he is completely sober.

Laying down with his head on a rock, Stiles' slurred speech interrupts the silence "Dude, you know, she's just one– one girl. You know, there are so many– there are so many other girls in the sea."

Scott, sitting up a little higher on the rock that Stiles is laying against, looks down and smiles at his very drunk friend while he corrects the analogy "Fish in the sea."

Stiles scrunches his face up in confusion "Fish? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls," he sighs out while getting a little more situated on the uncomfortable ground with a dreamy look coming over his face, "I love 'em. I especially love ones with blonde hair that always smells like coconuts, a little button nose, the lightest blue eyes, five foot one who fits perfectly right here–" he finishes his words and indicates his impersonation of a hug with a swing of his arms.

At those details Scott smirks at his best friend's description of his twin sister, however, he decides to continue to give Stiles shit for the 'crush' he claims to have on a certain someone else "Lydia doesn't have blue eyes..."

Stiles furrows his brows, making a face "Of course she doesn't, I was talking about– hey, how did you know I was talking about... about... what was I talking about?" he finishes with a drunken big smile.

Stiles tilts his head back to look at Scott, the smile on his face instantly dropping when he sees the solemn look on Scott's face "Hey, you're not happy. Take a drink."

He rolls to his side to grab the bottle and reaches it up to Scott who holds out a hand to stop the drunken movements "I don't want any more."

"You're not drunk?" Disbelief is written all over Stiles' face as he sets the bottle back down, crossing his arms over his chest.

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