Chapter 32 - Visionary

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It's been two days.

Two days since we saved Deaton.

Two days since we lost Boyd because the evil twins followed the orders of a sociopath who hates wearing shoes in favor of her long ass disgusting toe claws on display.

Stiles and I decided to head to the loft to see if Peter or Cora have heard anything since Scott went with Allison to talk to her grandfather.


Damn bastard is still alive somehow, even with the cancer and his body fighting the bite with the Mountain Ash pill swap Scott pulled last year.

That visit was a hard pass for us, so we're on werewolf Hale family duty tonight.

Instead of an answer for where Derek is we get a story from when he was younger with Cora finishing towards the window she's looking out of "They were there for two days, waiting, hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us– hide and heal."

Stiles moves a few steps away from me and comes back with his arms out to his sides as he directs his aggravated question towards her "Okay, so is two days standard then, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?"

Cora crosses her arms as she turns around and flicks her eyes between us "Why do you care?"

Stiles makes a face, scoffing as he looks to me and back to Cora "Why do I care? Let's see... because over the last few weeks, her brother," he points to me before placing both hands on his chest and continues "my best friend tried to kill himself. His boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that we've known since we were three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by alphas. I mean fuck– do you want me to keep going? 'Cause I can, all right? For, like, an hour."

She just shakes her head and steps closer to us, setting her hands on the table "Either of you really think Derek can do anything about that?"

"Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it, yeah" Stiles counters earning a contemplative look from the young Hale.

She digests that for a moment before she sighs and shakes her head "I don't know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when we knew him."

I cross my arms, gaining her attention as I step farther into the loft "What was he like?"

"A lot like Scott, actually," Peter chimes in coming down from the stairs as he continues "A lot like most teenagers... unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers."

I shrug my shoulders as he comes to a stop at the table we're standing around "And so what happened? What changed him?"

Peter smirks looking between Stiles and I "Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men– a girl."

Stiles scoffs "You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek is the way he is?"

Peter looks at Cora and then over to us asking his next questions "Do you remember Derek before he was an Alpha, he had blue eyes? Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?" Actually no but I've always questioned it

Stiles shares a furrowed brow look with me before answering him "I just always thought it was, like, a genetic thing."

Peter's lip quirks before he states thoughtfully "If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes."

Stiles, Cora, and I move to sit at the table as Peter sits on the couch behind us.

All of us settling in for our impromptu story time, Peter crosses one leg over to rest his calf on his knee "Derek met Paige when he was a sophomore at Beacon Hills High. He was the star on the basketball team, and she was a sweet little cello player"

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