Chapter 33 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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Staring at the school at night is an odd feeling. It's a place we usually only see in the daytime, unless you play a sport in the winter time, however you usually associate school with daytime at least I always have

After the night we were locked inside with Peter Alpha terrorizing us, I've looked at the school in a different light.

There are many dark corners and shadows you wouldn't imagine when you look at the same tree or hallway in between classes.

Night brings an ominous aesthetic on its own, but when paired with a zoned out how did I get here moment of time, it's even worse.

There's a dead body somewhere on this campus.

I can feel it, Lydia can feel it.

Something is bringing us to these bodies and we have no idea what it is.

We were supposed to see a movie tonight. Distract our minds, have a girls night you know normal teenage things

Not tonight. Tonight we will yet again see a lifeless body of someone we probably know– likelihood of it being another sacrifice is high.

Another category, another set of victims we will have a hard time saving I hate this

"Where is she?" I faintly hear Stiles shout after he gets out of his jeep and closes the door.

"Over here" Allison steps away from us to grab Scott and Stiles, leading them over to Lydia and I.

"Addy?" Stiles runs over and sets his hands on my arms, turning me away from the school courtyard to face him.

I shake my head, trying to loosen the feeling my body has been in since we arrived at the school instead of the movie theater.

I look up and connect my eyes with his "It's the same thing as the night at the pool. I didn't even register we weren't headed to the theater until we got out of the car and Allison said something about why we were at the school."

Lydia nods and crosses her arms, coming to stand beside me "And you said to call you if there's a dead body."

Stiles makes a noise, looking to her and back to me quickly "You found another dead body?"

I shake my head "Not exactly– we haven't found it, not yet anyways–"

"'Not yet'? What do you mean 'not yet'?" he interrupts, jerking his head back "Guys, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body."

"Oh, no, I'm not doing that again," Lydia states with a shake of her head as she steps away from us "You find the dead body from now on."

Stiles rolls his eyes and drops his hands from me to lift one out towards her "How are we supposed to find the dead body? You guys have the tracking sensors to finding the dead body"

"Guys–" Scott's voice chimes from our right and when we all look over at him, he points forward "I found the dead body."

We turn to follow his line of sight and I feel tears well in my eyes at seeing Deputy Tara's bloodied body laying across the cement sign for Beacon Hills High. 


The school announced that they are having a recital tonight to honor all the losses we have had recently they were brutally murdered not lost, but I guess that isn't as respectful to say

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