Chapter 104 - Broken Glass

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Lydia huffs and throws her phone in her bag that's sitting on the edge of my bed "Still nothing."

Chewing on the side of my lip, I nod with her words and shove my phone into the back pocket of my olive green skinny jeans "Same, here– I also don't get why Scott and Malia left or where the hell they went this morning without filling us in."

Malia and Lydia both stayed the night last night as we tried to come up with what to do regarding the Anuk-ite now being a, turning people into statues with one look, nightmare force.

Lydia and I both woke ourselves up last night in true banshee fashion and I'll just say that what we both saw was enough to scare the ever living shit out of us causing our need for us all to be together right now to be even higher than usual

I set my hands on my hips and try not to freak out over the fact that our communication resources are limited and I have absolutely no idea where a lot of our people are.

Noah was kicked out of the Sheriff's station yesterday– yes you heard that correctly the Sheriff was forced out of the Sheriff's station because that is how big of a hold Monroe has on our city and it's non supernatural occupants.

His check in call was the last one I received earlier this morning and any outgoing call I've tried to make since has gone straight to everyone's voicemails it's starting to feel like the end of the world and I'm not a fan

We hear a noise coming from downstairs, earning Lydia and I to share a look confirming we both heard something before we head out my door and down the stairs "Scott?"

I set my hand on the banister and swing myself into the living room, stopping my steps immediately when I don't hear or see anyone.

Looking over my shoulder at Lydia who has stopped on the bottom step, I try to open my hearing to anything else as I turn back towards her and try not to be a scary movie victim by calling out Scott's name again

"Hello, Addy– Lydia," a voice calls behind me a few seconds later and I spin on my heel and gasp before closing my eyes in annoyance at who I see.

I catch my breath and open my eyes to shake my head at him "Peter– what in the holy hell are you doing here?"

He sets his hands on his hips, failing at hiding his nervous demeanor as he quips "Looking for Malia– what are you doin' here?"

I narrow my eyes towards him as I deadpan "I live here."

Peter's face falls like he asked the stupidest question before he's quick to recover "Right, well why are you shouting for Scott?" my house, my questions

Crossing my arms over my chest, I raise a brow at him "Why are you looking for Malia?"

He takes a deep breath before he comes up with "...Parental concern."

"Huh" I mumble, narrowing my eyes at him once more and making it obvious I don't believe a word he's saying.

Peter nods his head to the side and tries a different tactic "Why didn't you just call Scott?"

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