Chapter 48 - Divine Move

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My vision is blurry with the constant tears that won't leave my eyes as I still try to process what just happened not even an hour ago. I feel empty, broken, and defeated and the war is just beginning.

That's what he did by killing her, Void declared war and he's going to pay with his life as he loses

Kira sits on one side of me, near the slightly longer side of the L-shaped couch at her house. She hesitates for a second before she sets her hand on my upper back.

Attempting to offer her a smile, I lift one side of my mouth and reach over to grab her other hand, squeezing once as a thank you. My throat feels raw with holding back the tears as best I can, so I don't trust my voice at the moment.

Stiles sits on the other side of me, causing the seat to move with his body weight. He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together in front of him he looks worse, even more pale and he looks to be shivering

I take a deep breath in, as Noshiko pours some of the hot water from the kettle into a cup and moves it in front of Stiles "Here, it'll calm you"

"What is it?" Stiles mutters as he points towards the cup and Noshiko answers like it should be obvious "Tea"

"What? Like magic tea?" he implores and reaches for the cup as Noshiko smirks at his assumption "No, chamomile tea– drink it"

Mr. Yukimura comes out from down the hall and gains our attention with his words "He's not safe here"

Noshiko looks over to her husband to point out "He's not safe anywhere"

Kira shifts in her seat to address her parents "But Allison killed one of them. Doesn't that mean something?– She killed an Oni"

"Is that even possible?" disbelief lacing her dad's words as her mom adds "I'm not sure how."

"But she did it– she killed one of them" Kira stresses softly and my heart soars with pride for my best friend for killing at least one of the monsters that took her away from us.

Stiles sets his cup down as he states "Yeah, and then they killed her– Allison's dead"

I close my eyes from the pain of actually hearing those words out loud for the first time, before Stiles continues "Now I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too"

I suck in a quick hiccup of a breath with his words, my eyes moving up from their previous stare on the coffee table enough of an action for the tears to fall over the brims of my eyes. I squeeze Kira's hand again and stand up from the couch, excusing myself to walk over near the kitchen.

Wiping away the tears on my way, and trying to take deep breaths so I don't make things awkward by sobbing uncontrollably in the Yukimura's household my first time being here.

I feel a hand on my shoulder a moment later and a soft mutter of "Addy, I shouldn't have– I'm sor–"

I sniffle quickly before turning around to Stiles, interrupting his words when he sees my tear stained cheeks.

Noticing the family still in the living room attempting to give us privacy by drinking their tea, I shake my head when I connect my eyes with his "You have got to stop blaming yourself for what that monster is doing Stiles. You didn't kill Allison. He did– and you don't deserve to die because of it– I'm not going to let you."

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