Chapter 25 - Tattoo

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I got back from France with Allison earlier today, we were supposed to be back a few days ago but there was a storm where our layover was in Chicago. So a couple flight delays later here we are, however; Lydia insisted since she hasn't seen us since her visit in July that we all had to hang out immediately.

What can I say about France other than it was gorgeous, I ate my weight in croissants and other delectable baked goods, and had one of the best summers of my life filling our phone camera albums with pictures of our adventures.

Allison is in a somewhat better place now, she came to terms with losing her mom the way she did and she has finally forgiven herself for the things she did last year under the influence of her grandfather.

Her, Lydia, and I are closer than ever after experiencing all that France had to offer mom was right girlfriends really are amazing

Lydia knows everything about the supernatural world now or at least as much as we know

She was peeved to be out of the loop, though at the same time she somewhat understood why we were trying to keep her safe or at least she does now so long as we never keep anything from her ever again.

I spent the majority of the time with Ally and her dad, their vacation home was unfuckingreal, and they treated me like one of the family.

I kept in touch with mom as much as I could with the time difference and her work schedule emails were our best friend

Scott emailed and actually talked about books, which shocked the hell out of me. However it was amazing to get to bond with him over something new and a subject I'm crazy about. He made a promise to mom and I that this year was going to be different and I have a great feeling that he's telling the truth. Biggest good sign being that he's read more books this summer than he has in his whole life and he signed us up for PSAT practice study weekends.

I kept in touch with Stiles more than anyone though, even took him to the Eiffel Tower thank you facetime

Not seeing him in person for so long has done nothing for my feelings, just made them intensify if anything self pity sigh

Lydia scoffs bringing me back to the car conversation as she makes a right turn from the stop sign "It is not a group date. It's just a group thing."

Allison chuckles "Do they know it's a group thing? 'Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there" she finishes with a look over her shoulder to me sitting in the backseat and I give her a supportive nod.

I see Lydia roll her eyes in the rearview mirror "You two were in France and didn't do any dating– for four months?"

I shake my head when she looks at me "Why would I date anyone in France?"

She laughs lightly "I'm not surprised you didn't, since you have someone here."

I widen my eyes and look up to her, leaning forward to rest my elbows on each of their seats  "What? I– I do not."

She snorts "Puh-lease, you know I have eyes right? And I have perfect vision– though even blind I would be able to see it."

I groan and drop my forehead onto my arms that are crossed in between their seats am I that obvious?

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