Chapter 98 - After Images

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"Addy!" Scott's bellow of a voice has me jumping and almost losing my hold on my phone perched in between my shoulder and ear "Jesus, Scotty I'm in the kitchen."

I hear Stiles' chuckle on the other end when Scott comes rushing into the kitchen, eyes frantic as he lifts up the end of a bloody lacrosse stick and whispers "We have to go– Brett's missing."

"Adds?" Stiles calls and I close my eyes, hating Beacon Hills that much more at the moment why does missing always have to include blood

I walk over to where my shoes are by the side kitchen door and slide my feet into them "Stiles, I've gotta go–"

"Let me guess, you'll tell me in a week?" he grumbles and I feel the jab all the way from Virgina, breathing out a deep breath "Sty..."

"No don't," he interrupts quickly "I didn't mean for it to sound like that, go be the badass I fell in love with so so many moons ago."

I grab my olive green button up soft jacket from the back of the dining room chair, smiling into the phone "I love you"

"I know" comes his quick reply, earning a chuckle from me before he continues "I love you, Adds– and for the love of fuck be safe."

We say our see you laters and I hang up the phone, already making it through the living room to meet Scott at the front door.

He chuckles and opens the door for me "I still can't believe he's actually giving you a week before you tell him what's been happening."

I sigh out my anxiety with still keeping things from him "Yeah, well I know it's killing him which in turn is making me feel awful. Just– hopefully we're going to have it all sorted so I will only be telling him about it all and he won't have to come here." I won't know how to keep him away

Scott shares a look of agreement with me as we walk down the steps of the front porch.

As we walk over to the jeep where Brett's sister, Lori, is already waiting for us, I text Lydia, Malia and Liam.

I have them meet us at the school where Lori found the bloody lacrosse stick by Brett's car. Since it was the last place he was, it seems like the right place for us all to start looking for him.

Mason was with Liam when I texted, so the four of them are now waiting in the parking lot when we pull up beside them.

Lydia turns to me with her game plan "I'll stay here and try to see if I can get anything, Addy why don't you go with them– see if you feel anything while following his trail."

Scott and Malia nod while I agree "Sounds good."

Mason throws his hand over his shoulder to point towards the school "Corey is in a study group so we can stay with Lydia, we can– you know, try to be helpful?" yes because Lyds is always wanting help from the youngins

She throws him a look, however ultimately agrees "Fine, meet me in the Chemistry classroom."

They walk off towards the school, Lori turning back to us "His blood is over here," Liam nods on his jog over towards her "Lets go."

We follow the blood trial into the preserve, Liam coming up to a tree with an arrow in it and stopping. He lifts his hand up to the end of the arrow, turning and guiding his arm from where the arrow was shot from "Here."

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