Chapter 64 - Condition Terminal

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Stiles POV

Pulling up to the hospital, it's all a blur as I climb out of the ambulance behind the paramedics who are pushing Addy on the gurney.

I quicken my steps to be right beside her, grabbing her hand before we rush through the doors.

Melissa's eyes widen, stopping her movements of preparing for the incoming trauma as soon as she registers who the incoming trauma actually is "Addy? Sti– Stiles what happened?"

She falls in step on the other side of the gurney, moving her tear filled eyes between Addy's bloody side and my terrified eyes.

My throat feels dry as I try to swallow, shaking my head slightly as we move through the E.R. and into a trauma room.

Everyone starts talking, reporting her stats, a run down of what happened based off the limited information I was able to actually state, orders for a portable x-ray and tests they need to run in order of importance.

Time feels like it's slowed down as I'm pulled away from her and Melissa sets her hands on my shoulders, moving her head around until she catches my eyes.

Her mouth is moving, however, it feels like there's cotton in my ears and I can't hear her.

"Stiles– Stiles take a deep breath in... try to hold it"

Licking my lips quickly, I do as she says. Breathing in deeply as best I can and holding it for as long as possible before I release it.

"There you go, come on one more time slowly– breathe with me"

I lay my hands on her outstretched forearms and breathe in again, releasing it slowly and connecting my eyes with hers.

She tries to smile before her grip on my shoulders increases with her frantic words "Okay good– now, what the hell happened to my daughter?"

I clear my throat, my eyes instantly snapping to the window of the room she's in before Melissa pulls my attention back to her "Hey she's being looked after– now I can't be in that room, so I need you to tell me what happened. Are you alright? Where's Scott?"

She drops her hands from my shoulders and sets them on her hips while I fill in the events that led us here "The girl– the girl, Tracy, who killed her dad last night, she was at school earlier. Scott said she passed out when him and Liam were trying to talk to her, so we took advantage of her being unconscious and we took her to Deaton's. We thought she was a werewolf–"

Melissa moves her worried eyes between mine, listening to every word before I clear my throat "she wasn't a werewolf– you remember Jackson?"

With her nod I continue and lift one of my hands to gesture up to my chest "Well she was like him, paralyzing tail and everything– except she's also different because the trap that worked on him didn't work on her."

"So that's why Addy has the cut on her chest?" Melissa asks and I feel tears rush into my eyes as I nod and reluctantly continue "Yeah– only the venom doesn't affect Addy. When Tracy realized that, she– um she–" I trail off and Melissa lifts her hands, wiping them over her face before she breathes in deeply and sets her hands back on her hips.

I reach up and wipe my face on my shirt sleeve before I look down to the ground "I'm so sorry Melissa, I couldn't move– I couldn't get to her any quicker than we did–"

"Stiles look at me" I hear her voice, it's lost all the shaky worry it previously held and gives me the courage to look at her.

She lifts the sides of her mouth into a small smile and shakes her head "This isn't on you, Stiles. I know you did everything you could have possibly done. You couldn't move, but I more than believe you were talking to her, keeping her awake and calm. She's strong, she's going to be okay"

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