Book 3 Chapter 18

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B3C18: The Green Lotus mountain range (1)

Riding their flying animals, the group of 15 people including Qin De flies extremely fast eastward.

"In the end I'm still following father. This turn of events is really wonderful. When I couldn't succeed despite trying hard, who could've thought that I would get my wish as assassin Liu Xing? This is just like how watched flowers never bloom but an unattended willow grows." Looking at his father on the sky-flying white tiger ahead of him, Qin Yu cannot help giving a faint smile.

Qin Yu basically does not know the location selected for the tribulation this time. His current role is merely a bodyguard.

After flying for nearly 3 days and nights, during which time they took a break once for a meal, they finally arrives in the first destination -- a small city on the border of the Wilderness called Qingshi City.

"Come down!"

After shouting his order, Qin De takes the lead in diving down. The small airborne group at his back also dives down closely after him. They land directly on a place on the eastern side of Qingshi City. Qin Yu, however, feels that at this moment Xiao Hei is flying at a height of several thousand meters above them.

At age 7, Qin Yu took Xiao Hei in when it was still a chick. He will turn 19 in the new year so it has been almost 12 years ever since. One person and an eagle seem not to have been separated from each other for the last 12 years. A basically indescribable mysterious telepathy has even developed between them.

"Mister Ying, we're going to stay the night here, aren't we?" Elder Blue-clad asks Qin De.

The 5 Heavenly Net experts that Elder Blue-clad brings along are only loyal to the Heavenly Net's leader, but even they do not know that the leader is a person of the Qin clan. To prevent accidents this time, Qin De has told Elder Blue-clad and Ge Min to call him Mister Ying.

"We're staying the night here. Tomorrow morning everybody is going into the Wilderness so let's have a good rest tonight." Qin De gives a smile then turns to Ge Min and says: "Old man Ge, quickly prepare board and lodging for everyone."

Ge Min says respectfully at once: "Yes, Mister Ying."

In the evening, everyone has a meal in this considerably large house then most of them start to rest or go to sleep because, after all, they are going into the Wilderness tomorrow. No one, whether from the Heavenly Net or the Secret Arrow, has any complaints about their entry into the Wilderness.

Even if they are asked to die they will not be afraid of that, because they were already brainwashed when they started to be trained. However, there is a stranger going with them this time, namely peak Xiantian assassin Liu Xing.

Tonight has a bright moon but only a few stars. The bright Moon is hanging in a corner of the sky. Qin Yu has not gone to bed yet and is watching the Moon above from the courtyard.

"The Wilderness, I never thought that father would choose a location in the Wilderness to undergo his tribulation." Qin Yu secretly groans. "One will encounter stronger demonic beasts as he goes deeper into the Wilderness. But I believe father won't choose a place deep in the Wilderness to go through his tribulation."

Suddenly, Qin Yu frowns and stops thinking because someone is approaching.

"Mister Liu Xing, you're staying up so late. Could you be worrying about something?" Qin De says with a warm smile as he walks up to Qin Yu.

Immediately afterwards, another voice rises: "Mister Ying, there are demonic beasts in the Wilderness after all. Even though we aren't going deep into the Wilderness this time, if we encounter any demonic beasts, it will still be very dangerous. Perhaps Mister Liu Xing can also feel that this journey is risky." Fengyuzi also walks up to him.

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