Book 2 Chapter 15

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B2C15: The Xiuzhen world (2)

Holding a teacup in his hand, but Qin De is looking outside through the window.

"Xu Yuan, that Shangguan Hong has already come as well, hasn't he?" Qin De slowly asks.

Standing in the dark behind Qin De, Xu Yuan says with a nod: "According to intelligence, North Vanquishing Prince Shangguan Hong has already arrived. Since tomorrow is the day of negotiation, given this Shangguan Hong's foxiness, he definitely can't arrive on the last day."

Xu Yuan suddenly says: "Your Highness, there are still 3 years until our great undertaking is started, why do you want to meet Shangguan Hong this urgently?"

Xu Yuan also knows that South Vanquishing Prince's Mu clan is very loyal and will definitely stand by the Xiang royal clan. East Vanquishing Prince Qin De simply has no hope that he will be able to persuade South Vanquishing Prince to join him. Only a fence-sitter like North Vanquishing Prince can be persuaded. Therefore, he wants to draw the Shangguan clan to his side.

Qin De puts the teacup down. The corners of his mouth slightly curve upward: "Xu Yuan, there's no other way. Today leader of the Xiang clan's secret service in the 3 Eastern region counties has been replaced with Zhen Xu."

"Zhen Xu!" Xu Yuan immediately has a mental picture of an eerie cold pair of eyes.

"Yes, it's exactly Zhen Xu. In the past I knew very clearly about the level of that leader. He definitely wouldn't be able to find out the real power of our army. But this Zhen Xu isn't useless like him. In my estimation, a half year will already be enough for him to discover the real number of troops we have in the 3 Eastern region counties,' says Qin De with a somewhat solemn expression.

Xu Yuan is also very intelligent so he instantly understands what Qin De means.

"Your Highness, then this time isn't your trump card in negotiation ..." In his mind, Xu Yuan cannot help admiring Qin De.

"Yes, it's just like that." Qin De's face only has a smiling expression. "After seeing his reactions following this event I'll have to decide which side this Shangguan Hong will go to and seek refuge with. Of course, we mustn't entrust our hope to him regardless."

Xu Yuan nods and says: "To be able to make Shangguan Hong remain neutral will already be enough."

"Your Highness, I still have a piece of good news." Xu Yuan is all smiles as he hands Qin De a letter.

"Oh!" Qin De receives the letter. As soon as he looks at it, his eyes brighten. He then laughs out loud: "Yu'er has been a big help to me. It's such a big chunk of ore, and it's even the high Xian-grade. Many superb weapons can be forged out of such a big chunk of ore. This is really good news."

This letter was written by Lian Yan. Lian Yan also wrote for Qin Feng and Qin Zheng, who then returned to the princely mansion. However, Qin De has not returned because of an important matter. He simply does not know that the flaming red crystal is definitely not a high-Xian-grade ore. Rather, it is In-rock Flaming iron, which is even much more precious than high-Xian-grade ores.

"Good, good, when I return I'll definitely give Yu'er a handsome reward." Qin De is immediately in high spirits. "Xu Yuan, you go make careful arrangements for tomorrow event once again. There mustn't be a mistake."

"Yes, I take my leave!" Xu Yuan folds his hands and says. Then he leaves the room.

Qin De grasps the letter in his hand. His face has a faint smile of an affectionate father.


In Yan City, in Fengyuzi's specialized secret forging room in East Vanquishing Prince mansion,

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