Book 5 Chapter 29

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B5C29: The Meteor stage

Various guard squads are continuously patrolling everywhere in the Blood-red Cave. Even those beautiful ladies-in-waiting on the walkways or in the corridors have also become cautious and no longer dare to banter flirtatiously with the guards as before. The current atmosphere in the Blood-red Cave is very oppressive.

The guardians, consisting of Yan Qing and her sister, the 3 black turtle brothers, the 2 tiger shark brothers, Teng Bi, Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Zhuang Zhong, all stay in their own houses. None of them strolls outside.

Day after day of such a high level of vigilance and pressure passes ...


In the Nine Demons Hall's main hall,

There is a throne on a raised platform. Below it, there are 4 thrones on either side. At the moment, 8 men who are dressed in purple brocade robes are sitting in the thrones. Only the 2nd throne on the left among the lower thrones is vacant.

The man sitting in the highest throne in the main hall has thick eyebrows and big eyes. His body naturally gives off a lordly air.

This purple-robed man is examining a 3-cun long jade sword in his hand. After looking at it carefully several times, he says: "This is the 6th of the legendary 9 Swords. It's indeed a good sword, very good." As he exclaims nonstop, his eyes blaze with excitement.

The 1st purple-robed man on the right below him, however, says critically: "Big brother, what's good about it? Isn't it just a top-grade holy weapon? Though top-grade holy weapons are pretty precious, this sword doesn't deserve such fame. Except for some special functions, what's good about this jade sword itself?"

"What do you know?" The higher purple-robed man says laughingly.

The true forms of the Nine Demons Hall's 9 brothers are Purple Demon aquatic dragons. Even though they are not divine dragons, they are close to divine dragons in power. A Purple Demon aquatic dragon can defeat 5 or 6 Xiuxianists of the same power level as it. Therefore, by joining forces, these 9 Purple Demon aquatic dragons were able to become one of the 3 superpowers at the bottom of the ocean.

The higher purple-robed man is the big brother among them, Di Long!

Di Long looks at the jade sword with glittering eyes: "Brothers, you all know about those special functions. But this jade sword itself is also extraordinary. Let me tell you something. The material used to forge it was only a chunk of icy jasper."

"How is this possible?"

Below him, his 7 brothers are all astonished.

It is common knowledge that icy jasper is only a material to make middle-grade holy weapons and cannot be forged into high-grade holy weapons, let alone top-grade holy weapons.

Di Long says with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth: "Don't doubt it. This jade sword is only a key to open an immortal mansion. It's simply impossible for you to imagine how powerful the immortal that forged this jade sword was. They certainly had the ability to perform miracles."

"The fact that this immortal was able to forge top-grade holy weapons from a middle-grade material reflects their power. What things are there in the mansion of an immortal like this? When even the keys to it are already 9 top-grade holy weapons, what treasures is it storing?" Di Long's eyes glitter.

The eyes of his 7 brothers also glitter. It seems they are also thinking about the treasures in the immortal mansion.

The 3rd brother Di Xu says: "Big brother, according to our intelligence, 7 of the 9 jade swords have appeared. The Xiuxianists of the Penglai Immortal Region got 1. The Purple Flame Devilish Dungeon's Xiumoists are lucky; they unexpectedly got 2. That azure dragon of the Azure Dragon Palace got 1. We got 1 and that 3-eyed old freak of the Blue Water Mansion also got 1. It seems Azure Dragon and 3-Eyed are contending for the 7th jade sword."

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