Book 4 Chapter 9

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B4C9: Sweeping away all obstacles

While Qin Yu and Xiao Hei are going through the Wilderness fighting one demonic beast after another, in the Chu kingdom on the Qian Long continent, the tension that has been building up for the last half year is going to explode tonight --

The town of Xiyang is a small town near the Black Water mountain range but this time it has become the headquarters of the Qin clan's war machine. The people in command here are East Vanquishing Prince Qin De and Tactician Xu Yuan, who are playing the game of Go at the moment.

"It's already dark. It's about time Marshal Qin Feng's army launches the first wave of attack." Xu Yuan, dressed in a black brocade gown, looks into the sky then says to Qin De with a smile. At the same time, he keeps waving the fan in his hand slowly and gently.

After gently putting a white chess piece down, Qin De says dully: "If Feng'er couldn't even win the 1st battle, he wouldn't need to be a marshal anymore."

A faint smile appears on Xu Yuan's face. Even though Qin De looks very calm, Xu Yuan is still certain that he feels completely uneasy in his heart at the moment because just now he played a wrong move. Given Qin De's chess skill, he will not make such a mistake in a normal situation.


How can Qin De possibly remain calm?

The tension caused by his wife's death, his son's death and the Qin clan's preparation of several hundred years is going to erupt into war tonight, so, even if Qin De is a Universal Golden Immortal he would not be able to calm down.


It is gradually getting dark. At the moment, Yanglin City, a small city in the easternmost part of Lei Xue County, is still being strictly guarded. After all, the Xiang clan also knows that the Qin clan is going to attack and, moreover, even though this Yanglin City is considered a defensive obstacle, it is merely a small city. However, based on its intelligence, the Xiang clan thinks that the Qin clan does not have enough power to breach the defense of Lei Xue County and therefore only several thousands troops are stationed in this small city Yanglin.

"The city's gate is closed. Wait until tomorrow to go out!"

Seeing some people approaching, several tens city guards immediately shout loudly.

"Officers, my father is seriously ill. I must go out right now. Could you please go easy on me?" 2 young scholars walk up to the side of the guards at the city's gate. At the same time they take out a moneybag and open it. There are unexpectedly some large gold sycees.

The gold sycees glow in the dark, stunning these guards for a while.

Suddenly --

Outside Yanglin City, various strong, muscular people rush out extremely fast from a small forest holding their shields. The guards on the wall of Yanglin City never thought that there were people hiding in that forest. After all, it is not a large one.

All of those soldiers are moving extremely fast, covering several meters with each of their steps. And they are all internal experts. Seeing the speed of the Qin clan's soldiers, the faces of the guards on the city's gate immediately go very pale. They see clearly the difference between themselves and the attackers at once.

"The enemy's raiding! The enemy's raiding!!!" Instantly, loud shouts can be heard from the top of the city's wall.

"Quickly scram!" The chief guard, however, takes the gold sycees with a grab then gives the scholar a push. Obviously he wants to rob him of these sycees.

But, with a movement of their bodies, the 2 scholars suddenly look like illusions. Following several muffled gurgles, the several tens guards all open their eyes wide then fall down while covering their throats with their hands. Their blood splatters over a large area. The 2 scholars pull back their daggers and give each other a smile.

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