Book 4 Chapter 10

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B4C10: A sudden turn of events

The setting sun is going down westwards. On a plains highway that runs through the 2 Northern region counties, an army is advancing nonstop like a sinuous wandering dragon. It is so long that at first sight no one can see its other end. The soldiers are going four abreast fast with long strides.

Every soldier of this army is vigorous and has a faint killing intent around him. This is a regular army of the Qin clan. Having fought wild beasts in the Wilderness for several years, it is the real deal. Despite being powerful, a single soldier of this army is not fearsome at all. The fearsome thing is, in this army the soldiers as strong as him are counted by the ten thousand.

The 2 special groups near General Zhao Yunxing are especially redoubtable. One of them consists solely of the 1000 soldiers trained by him using the Limit Training method and internal techniques and the other is made up of his personal bodyguards, whose number is only 300. These 2 formidable groups are the trump cards in Zhao Yunxing's hands.

There is a red-haired lion standing between the 2 groups, which looks as if its entire body is ablaze. Zhao Yunxing is riding this red-haired lion and overseeing the general situation from the middle of the army.

"General, we're going to reach Lanshan City in only one hour. North Vanquishing Prince has already prepared nice camps for us. When we arrive, we can stay and rest in Lanshan City immediately." A scholar who is riding a deep red horse says to Zhao Yunxing.

Zhao Yunxing nods with a smile: "Xue Lan, this time we're arranged to enter the 2 Northern region counties last, it seems His Highness has his own plan."

The scholar says with a nod: "Among the 3 armies that borrow ways from the 2 Northern region counties this time, yours is undoubtedly the most powerful offensively, but His Highness still let General Sima's army and General Ouyang's army go into the 2 Northern region counties first. Despite being pretty good in attack, they are known for their defense. His Highness must have had a good reason to make such an arrangement."

Zhao Yunxing nods: "There must be a reason behind His Highness's arrangement. There are many things we can't understand at the moment but a few months later we'll realize His Highness's intentions."

"His Highness must've been waiting for today for a very long time. When the news that the Black Water bandits suddenly changed sides and became an army of the Qin clan spread, everybody extremely admired him." The scholar obviously holds Qin De in great esteem as well.

Afterwards, Zhao Yunxing and his troops enter the 2 Northern region counties.


At this moment the 1st step of the Way Borrowing plan that Qin De and Shangguan Hong agreed upon in their secret meetings has been carried out perfectly. A 300,000 strong army group of the Qin clan has come into the 2 Northern region counties. Of course, according to this agreement, Shangguan Hong does not have to send his troops to attack together and only needs to supply the Qin clan army with some materials.

Now a new situation has arisen in the Chu kingdom.

In the south,

Having occupied several cities of Lei Xue County, the 300,000 Black Water troops are confronting the Mu clan of the 3 Southern region counties. The Mu clan has 600,000 troops altogether but many of them have to defend its own 3 counties so the number of troops who actually can attack is only 300,000 to 400,000 at most.

The Black Water Army does not go on the offensive and only defends so it is simply impossible for the 3 Southern region counties to defeat it. After all, to seize fortified cities, in general the attacking side has to outnumber the defending one by several times.

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