Book 6, Chapter 7

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B6C7: Psychic

The ravine is less than a million li from the Blood-red Ridge and Qin Yu has become nearly 10 times faster than before so it takes him just one day to reach the ravine. Not even those Purple Demon aquatic dragons from the Nine Demons Hall can imagine his speed.

Late Meteor stage experts can rely on their speed and concentrated offense to fight late Dongxu stage Xiuxianists. This means that late Meteor stage experts are at least superior to late Dongxu stage Xiuxianists in speed. Therefore, it is easy to imagine how fast Qin Yu is.

He rushes to the entrance of the ravine. At first sight, there is only a continuous mountain range around this place. Outsiders basically will not be able to notice that there is a ravine hidden here.

"Big brother Liu Xing. No, big brother Qin Yu."

A purple-clad girl who appears to be in her early teens rushes out through the flora at the bottom of the ocean and shouts loudly in excitement as soon as she sees Qin Yu. He turns around to take a look and cannot help bursting out laughing: "Little Yan Zi, why did you go out of the ravine?"

"It was boring inside so I went out for a stroll." Yan Zi opens her little mouth wide and says. The purple fish scale between her eyebrows is shining. Her purple hair, which is long enough to reach her hips, is flowing freely.

Yan Zi suddenly says with brightening eyes: "Let's go, brother Qin Yu. Go with me into the ravine. Sis Li'er will definitely be very happy once she knows that you've returned. Quick, don't be sluggish." As she is saying this, she holds Qin Yu's hand and pulls him while rushing at a precipice.

Before Qin Yu and Yan Zi smash into the precipice, they disappear.

After entering the ravine, when Qin Yu sees those familiar plants and scenes, his eyes cannot help brightening. In the past, he stayed in this ravine for 3 years. Now, having returned to the ravine, he feels as if he has broken away from the bloodshed outside and his mental tranquility has been restored.

"Ting ~~"

A sound of a zither string is heard and then the music he is familiar with rises. Qin Yu stands outside the bamboo house and closes his eyes to listen to it quietly. There is a faint smile on the corners of his mouth all along. When he is listening to the music, time seems to pass very quickly.

When the music stops, Qin Yu opens his eyes.

Only now does he notice that Yan Zi has already gone into the bamboo house. After a while, some Xiuyaoists gather. All of them live in the ravine. They and Qin Yu are also very familiar with each other. Every one of them greets him.

"Big brother Liu Xing! Oh, right, it's big brother Qin Yu." The fat Xiuyaoist with a black turtle's shell on his back shouts in excitement.

Qin Yu says with a smile when he sees him: "So it's you, Fatty. There are also Thinny and Silver Shell here. Fei Fei hasn't been here for a while so, without anyone beating you, your time must have passed very comfortably, right?" He looks smilingly at the Xiuyaoists before him.

The fat Xiuyaoist with the black turtle shell shakes his head a couple of times and says complacently: "Of course it's been comfortable. Now I can sleep for 3 days and nights without being disturbed by anyone. When I've got nothing to do, I can play chess with Thinny and the others. The game of Go Uncle Lan taught us is really interesting."

"It's just that ..." he frowns, "sometimes I still rather miss boss Hou."

Silver Shell, who is carrying 2 daggers, is pondering. It seems he rather misses Hou Fei too.

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