Book 5 Chapter 28

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B5C28: Cha Po's death

At the moment, the atmosphere inside the main hall is very oppressive. Hou Fei and Cha Hong are confronting each other. It seems they can fight anytime now.

Cha Hong is secretly surprised: "This monkey is unexpectedly so strong. He should be a match for ordinary Dongxu stage experts, but if he really fights me, he'll stand no chance." He is very confident.

"Cave master, I came here to be a guardian, and not to be insulted. That Sang Mo fella dug his own grave by offending me. If he hadn't offended me, why would I have killed him?"

Hou Fei's voice resounds through the hall.

"Oh, he offended you?" Cha Hong ponders for a while. "Guardian Hou Fei, well, this rule is indeed somewhat problematic. If he threatened or offended you, it'll be unfair if instead of punishing him you have to suppress your anger due to this rule."

Right after these words are said, the atmosphere in the hall is no longer as tense as it was a moment ago.

Hearing Cha Hong say so, Qin Yu secretly relaxes a bit.

"All right, for the moment, this matter is put on hold. I'll examine it carefully later." Cha Hong then turns to Qin Yu, saying: "Guardian Liu Xing, the 3 guardians Bai Yin, Ran Lan and Mu Xu are already dead, but you unexpectedly said that Bai Yin and Ran Lan had collaborated with the black eagle?"

"That's indeed what happened, cave master."

Qin Yu's face looks pale, but he still says with a cough.

As soon as Cha Hong scans Qin Yu's wound with his holy sense, he is secretly astonished. After being told by Cha Po, he already thought that Qin Yu's injury was very serious, but he never thought that it would be this serious. He even wonders how Qin Yu can still stand with such a severe wound.

Qin Yu, however, feels frustrated inwardly.

"Meteoric Tear, your healing ability is too strong. After I rested in my house for just a short time, the wound had already almost healed so I had no choice but to injure myself again." Qin Yu's wound of course was caused by himself.

His wound was indeed shockingly serious.

However, because the Meteoric Tear's healing ability is too strong, after he rested in his courtyard house for some time, more than half of the wound had already healed. Therefore, he had to tear it open again.

"Your injury is indeed very serious, guardian Liu Xing. It's not that I don't believe you, but guardian Bai Yin has served the Blood-red Cave for many years and he's never shown any disloyalty before. This time ... I really can't believe it." Cha Hong says in a seemingly sincere manner: "How about this? Can you describe the fighting process again, guardian Liu Xing?"

Qin Yu slightly gasps for breath and says: "Cave master, I and 4 other guardians went out to hunt for that black eagle together. When we ran into it, we began to attack it according to our plan, but Bai Yin suddenly sneakily attacked guardian Mu Xu."

When the other Xiuyaoists in the hall hear this, their hearts cannot help but skip a beat.

Middle Yuanying stage Bai Yin sneakily attacking a completely defenseless Mu Xu, the result of this is easy to imagine.

"Guardian Mu Xu died instantly. Guardian Zhuang Zhong was on high alert so when seeing this scene he noticed that Ran Lan was also attacking him. Guardian Zhuang Zhong then fought guardian Ran Lan and in the end killed him. Meanwhile, I attacked guardian Bai Yin. Using the Thunder Talisman that my master had bestowed on me, I killed Bai Yin immediately."

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